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Bundled ranking means Hollywood ending in store at Wilshire | LPGA

Bundled ranking means Hollywood ending in store at Wilshire |  LPGA


It's no surprise that, in the shadow of the Hollywood sign in California, we have a dramatic final act unfolding at the JM Eagle LA Championship presented by Plastpro with two Australians tied for the lead through 54 holes. .

Hannah Green – the reigning Wilshire Country Club champion – and Grace Kim, are at 7 under and have a one-shot advantage over a trio of players, including Jin Hee Im, who broke a new 18-hole scoring record Saturday, an 8-under 63.

Green had a tidy, if turbulent, moving day at the JM Eagle LA Championship. She was the only golfer in the final five groups of the day to shoot under par after scoring under 70.

“To be honest, I feel pretty exhausted,” Green admitted. “I hope tomorrow I can be a little more consistent. I didn't hit many greens today and that probably led to some of my bogeys. I hope I play boring golf tomorrow and make these putts.

Green made three bogeys in his final five holes of his front nine, then righted the ship after making the turn. She launched an impressive eagle at the par-5 13th and nearly missed her approach shot at the par-4 14th. She managed to save par at the 18th after nailing a 20-foot slider to arc her day.

Im, Maja Stark and Esther Henseleit are tied for third at 6 under, just one shot behind the Australians, while Nasa Hataoka – who shot a 7-under 64 and would have matched Im's record score had she not not made a bogey on his last hole of the day – is sixth and only two seconds from the lead.

“Obviously, I saw some of the scores that people produced in the morning, 7 or 8 under. Very nice rounds. I knew it would be trickier in the afternoon when it gets a little bouncy, so I wanted to make sure I at least tried to shoot under par. When I was over par, I felt like I was really behind on the eight ball,” Green said. “The momentum change on the back nine there made a big difference. I hope this putt, especially on the 18th, will also give me momentum for tomorrow.

Green and Kim, who played a practice round together earlier in the week, will start together in the final group on Sunday. Kim won her first LPGA Tour title a year ago, while Green is already a winner this season, having won the HSBC Women's World Championship last March.

After Friday, it looked like Kim was in control, sitting at -12 and holding a four-shot advantage. She struggled on Saturday, however, and shot a 5-over 76 to fall back into the pack. Kim said she had a frustrating afternoon on the greens at Poa Annua, but tried to stay present.

“I think knowing I can go that low is always a good reminder that I can win,” said Kim, who tied the best score through 18 holes in the first round, a 7-under 64. “I think 'At the end, I obviously shaved a few edges today, so I couldn't take things personally from the greens and the results, because, again, it was very hard But mentally, I tell myself. that I save the birdies for tomorrow.

Kim said she and Green were “friends before contestants,” so she hopes to be in a comfortable group for Sunday's finale.

Green didn't believe anyone would get to -12 (Kim's score after 36 holes), but now that Kim is behind, Green will lean on her winning experience at Wilshire – even though she's paired with a longtime friend date. for the final – to see if she can lift the trophy for the second year in a row.

“It’s really good to have this experience and positive memories. I hope so, I don’t get too far ahead of myself and think about it too much,” Green said. “Just keep playing every hole and don’t really think about the end result.”




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