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Why is colorectal cancer increasing rapidly among young adults?

Why is colorectal cancer increasing rapidly among young adults?


Excluding skin cancer, colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in both men and women in the United States, the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in both men and women, and the second leading cause of cancer deaths. is a common cause. When you add the male and female numbers together. About 52,550 people are expected to die in 2023.

Mortality from colorectal cancer in the elderly has been declining for decades in both men and women due to routine colonoscopies and declining smoking rates. However, since the 1990s, the incidence of colorectal cancer in adults under the age of 50 has risen steadily. Not only that, more and more young people are dying from this disease. The American Cancer Society reports that a person born in 1990 has twice the risk of colon cancer and four times the risk of rectal cancer compared to someone born in 1950.

No one knows why the number of colorectal cancers among young people is increasing. A sedentary lifestyle, overweight and obesity, smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, a low-fiber, high-fat or processed-meat diet, and other environmental factors have all been associated with this disease.

Colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer, is a disease in which cells in the colon or rectum grow out of control. The colon is the large intestine or large intestine. The rectum is the passageway that connects the colon and the anus.

A new study shows that obesity may contribute to the increased rates of colorectal cancer among young Americans. 1.3 times more likely to

Joel Levine, MD, specializes in colon cancer prevention, gastroenterology, and gastrointestinal cancer, and is co-director and founding director of the Colon Cancer Prevention Program at UConn Health’s Carole and Ray Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center.

“Excess body fat is known to increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer.” Colon Cancer Prevention Program at UConn Health’s Carole and Ray Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center“Excess weight increases insulin and related hormones in the blood, which aids in the growth of cancer. Additionally, excess fat can create an inflammatory environment. may also contribute to the growth of

To lower your risk of colon cancer, follow a healthy eating plan and get regular physical activity. Most of the debate about possible causes of early-onset disease is based on three interrelated factors: diet, gut bacteria, and inflammation. There is increasing evidence linking an unhealthy diet high in processed meats and fats and low in fruits and vegetables with early-onset colorectal cancer.

Other scientists focus on the bacteria that live in your gut. This is also called the gut microbiome. Certain types of bacteria have been marked as complicit in the growth and spread of colorectal cancer, and some may influence the efficacy of certain cancer treatments.

Changes in the gut microbiota may influence the increased incidence of colorectal cancer in adults under the age of 50. Studies show that diet, obesity, exercise, and some medications (such as antibiotics) can all change the number and types of bacteria in your gut.

In addition, certain chronic diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease with long-term, low-level superficial inflammation may increase cancer risk.

As scientists continue to investigate why colorectal cancer cases continue to rise among young adults, it’s important to know what symptoms to watch out for. Also, many people with colon cancer may not experience symptoms until the disease is advanced.

Symptoms of colorectal cancer may include:

• Changes in bowel habits or stool quality that last for more than a few days, such as constipation or diarrhea.
Rectal bleeding (bright red blood)
• Hematochezia
• Abdominal pain or cramps
• Unintended weight loss
• Fatigue and weakness
• A persistent feeling of needing to have a bowel movement even after using the toilet.

Although the underlying causes of the increase in colorectal cancer among young adults remain unknown, knowing a family history of colon cancer, getting regular check-ups, exercising, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can help. It is important.

Another important step in reducing your risk of colorectal cancer is understanding the screening process, including when to start and what your options are.

Current ACS guidelines recommend that people at average risk for colorectal cancer begin screening at age 45. If you have additional risk factors, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), polyps, previous abdominal radiotherapy for cancer, certain hereditary syndromes, or a family history If you have a history of colorectal cancer or certain polyps, early Or you may need to be screened more frequently.

Colorectal cancer arises from polyps (overgrowths) in the colon or rectum. Screening tests can find precancerous polyps so that they can be removed before they become cancerous. Screening tests can also detect colorectal cancer early, when treatment is most effective.

A colonoscopy is not the only option for identifying colon cancer. Stool-based tests are also available so your doctor can determine which one is right for you.

Prevention of colorectal cancer is not a panacea. There are various factors that increase the chances of developing colon cancer. For this reason, UConn Health colon cancer prevention experts

This program helps you understand your individual risk of developing colon cancer and creates a colon cancer prevention plan specifically tailored to your lifestyle, family history, and other factors. The program also provides ongoing support, education, and the benefits of today’s latest research advances.

Anyone over the age of 18 who is concerned about their risk of colon cancer is encouraged to participate in the Colon Cancer Prevention Program. For reservations or more information, please call: 860-679-4567.




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