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No new coronavirus deaths in Wales


Public Health Wales (PHW) has not recorded any new deaths related to coronavirus today (Sunday, 12 July).

PHW identified 25 new cases, but none have occurred in the Hywel Dda area.

On Saturday there were 2,879 tests.

The number of people reported dead in Wales due to the virus is 1,541.

Dr. Greek Carle, Inc., Director of Incident Response to the New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak in Public Health Wales, said: ), Monday (July 13th) Beauty Salon, Pub Garden, Outdoor Cafe.

“But we always warn and remind the public and business owners that they have an important role in preventing the spread of coronaviruses by adherence to social distance guidelines at all times. Avoid car sharing with people other than your family.

“Everyone with a suspicious symptom of COVID-19 infection-high temperature, new, persistent cough, or loss of olfaction or taste (anosmia)-needs to be self-isolated for emergency testing.

“We will quarantine confirmed cases for 7 days, then leave family members for 14 days until there is no risk of further infection. A combination of these simple and effective actions will prevent the virus from spreading.

Update Current Incident

“While the number of cases reported has dropped significantly, labor force related outbreaks at Rowan Foods in Wrexham remain vigorous.

“At Friday’s October meeting (July 10th), three more positive cases were reported, bringing the total number of outbreaks to 305.

“We want to reassure Wrexham’s workforce and the wider population that the cases we identified are what would be expected if a focused and robust testing regime was introduced.” There is no evidence that is factory based.

“The situation that emerges from the 2 Sisters factory continues to improve.

“As an OCT, we are reassured by the active approach of our field management team and the willingness to work with multiple agency partners to protect the health of our employees and the wider community.

“The Health & Safety Executive has undertaken a detailed investigation of the new systems and procedures in place and is now happy to meet legal compliance. We continue to monitor the 2 Sisters. We are confident that our factories will not pose an additional risk to our workforce and locals.

“The total number of positive cases associated with this outbreak is now 221. This is what we would expect if a focused testing process was in place, so don’t worry.

“There is no evidence of outbreaks, and the number of positive cases associated with outbreaks is decreasing to match background levels of outbreaks. This is very positive news and if this trajectory continues, We would like to officially end the outbreak in the near future.

In addition, the total number of positive cases confirmed at the Kepa Kumercer meat processing plant is 138 since April.

“This is not unexpected. Focused testing as part of cluster management and coronavirus outbreaks inevitably identifies new cases, but significantly increased levels of infection in the community. It does not mean.

“Looking at other data such as hospital admissions and biomonitoring indicators, there is no evidence of a surge in infection in the wider community of Mercer.

“It’s too early to draw an accurate conclusion, but our monitoring shows a historical correlation between plant infection levels and previous background infection levels in the wider community. There is no evidence to suggest an ongoing infection.

“The incident management team is continuing to investigate. Although no incidents have been declared, all necessary investigations and control measures have been taken.

“The Food Standards Office advises that it is very unlikely that food can catch coronavirus. Coronavirus is a respiratory disease. It is known to be transmitted by exposure to food or food packaging. Absent.

Contact tracking and general information

“We continue to track contacts as part of the Wales government’s testing, tracing, and protection strategies in Wales. Anyone who tests positive for a coronavirus is contacted by a team of contact tracers who develop symptoms. You will be asked for the details of all the people you contacted while you were there.

“Keep track of your activity so you can easily remember where and what to contact on a particular day.

“If you are asked to self-separate, you must also comply with this requirement to prevent further spread of the virus.

“Tracers are trained staff and the personal information you provide is processed in accordance with data protection regulations and is not widely shared.

“Information about symptoms of coronavirus is available on the Public Health Wales website, or the public can use the NHS Wales Symptom Checker.

“Anyone experiencing coronavirus symptoms can apply for a home test kit by visiting / coronavirus or by calling 119 telephone services nationwide.

“Anyone suspected of having a coronavirus should not go to the doctor’s surgery, pharmacy, or hospital. You need to contact NHS 111 because you cannot manage your symptoms at home, your symptoms worsen, or Only if you feel that your symptoms do not improve after 7 days.

“Call 999 only if you have a life-threatening emergency. Don’t call 999 just because you’re stuck at 111. Thank you 111 lines are busy But wait a moment and then reply.”

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