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Google job cuts: Sundar Pichai's tech giant cuts jobs globally, expanding jobs in India and Mexico.The reason is as follows

Google job cuts: Sundar Pichai's tech giant cuts jobs globally, expanding jobs in India and Mexico.The reason is as follows


Google, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., has laid off about 200 employees from its core team and moved some jobs overseas to cut costs as part of a restructuring process. At least 50 roles have been eliminated from the engineering team based at the company's California headquarters.

The tech giant now plans to hire replacements for positions in India and Mexico, CNBC reported, citing internal documents.

The company's job cuts, announced the day before Google's first-quarter results, were targeted at Google, which develops “the technology foundations behind the company's flagship products” as well as online user safety and global IT infrastructure. Report that was the “core” team of.

What did Google officials say?

Asim Husain, vice president of Google Developer Ecosystem, announced the layoffs in an email last week, telling employees that this was the biggest cut on his team this year, according to the document.

“While maintaining our current global footprint, we intend to expand our high-growth global workforce to operate closer to our partners and developer community,” Hussain said in an email. He wrote it in an email, CNBC reported.

A Google spokesperson said employees affected by the layoffs can apply for other open positions at the company. Google offers outplacement services and severance benefits based on your requirements.

A Google spokesperson told the New York Post that the company is simplifying its organization to increase opportunities for employees to work on the most innovative, important advances and the company's biggest priorities, while reducing bureaucracy and hierarchy. told the paper.

Alphabet has been cutting jobs since early 2023, when it announced plans to cut about 12,000 positions, or 6% of its workforce, due to declining revenues from the online advertising market.

The latest job cuts coincide with the company's fastest growth since early 2022 and rising profit margins. Last week, Alphabet announced a $70 billion stock buyback, its first dividend, and a 15% increase in sales compared to the same period last year.

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Published: May 2, 2024, 6:46 AM IST

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