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Commotionio cordis is very rare.Immediate response is essential: call 911, start CPR, use AED

Commotionio cordis is very rare.Immediate response is essential: call 911, start CPR, use AED


Important information:

  • Commotio cordis (kə-ˈmō-shē-ō-ˈkȯrd-əs) is a very rare consequence of blunt trauma to the heart that occurs at exactly the wrong time of the heart rhythm, effectively slowing the heartbeat. stop it. Collapse occurs within seconds.
  • The impact occurs over the left parapet and is usually supported by a hard ball such as a baseball, hockey puck, lacrosse ball, or softball.
  • There are no risk factors for heart attack. It is a very rare event that can affect anyone who participates in physical contact sports.
  • Cordis occurs primarily in boys and young men (average age 15 years) and usually occurs while playing sports, despite wearing a chest protector.
  • It is important to recognize cardiac emergencies quickly and immediately initiate the three most critical steps in the chain of survival. 1) call 911, 2) start CPR, 3) defibrillate with an automated external defibrillator or AED. these are, that’s all How to save someone’s life after cordis or cardiac arrest.

Dallas, April 18, 2023 — emotions of the heart (kə-ˈmō-shē-ō-ˈkȯrd-əs) is a very rare and very uncommon cardiac event, but it is very important to be aware and aware of how to quickly respond to any kind of cardiac emergency . According to the American Heart Association, it’s important to quickly recognize a cardiac emergency and immediately initiate the three most critical steps in the chain of survival. 1) call 911, 2) start CPR, 3) defibrillate with an automated external defibrillator or AED. these are, that’s all How to save someone’s life after cordis or cardiac arrest. The American Heart Association is a leader in resuscitation science, education and training and the officialGuidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care.

“Cordis is a very rare result of blunt trauma of the right type and intensity occurring precisely in the chest. error Heartbeat time.These are all some unusual things that must happen exactly same, wrong time In the late 20- to 40-millisecond window of the heartbeat when the lower chamber of the heart prepares to contract,” said former Volunteer President of the American Heart Association (2011-2012), Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York. Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz Deans of. “Collapsing occurs within seconds. It quickly recognizes a cardiac emergency and immediately initiates the three most critical steps in the chain of survival: 1) call 911, 2) start CPR, and 3) Defibrillation with an automated external defibrillator or AED.These procedures are essential for survival and optimal recovery.”

Dr. Tomaselli is an internationally renowned physician and scientist in the field of cardiovascular disease and a cardiac electrophysiologist specializing in sudden cardiac death and heart rhythm disorders. His research into the regulation of the heart’s electrical activity has led to breakthrough therapies that prevent fatal heart disease.

Blunt-force impact is commonly sustained with hard spherical objects such as baseballs, hockey pucks, lacrosse balls, and softballs, and can affect anyone playing physical contact sports. Cordis occurs primarily in boys and young men (average age 15 years) and usually occurs while playing sports, despite wearing a chest protector.

Cordis is a specific type of cardiac arrest that can affect anyone who participates in contact sports. A recent review in the National Commotio Cordis Registry also found that it can arise from blunt force trauma to the chest during non-sporting activities such as assaults, car accidents, or everyday activities. Of the 334 confirmed cases of cordis between 1980 and 2022, 121 (36%) occurred in non-sporting activities and 213 (64%) in sports-related activities.

Every day, the human heart beats from anywhere. 86,400 to 144,000 times (Assuming an average of 60-100 beats per minute over a 24 hour period), each heartbeat is on average 0.8 seconds long. For an electrocardiogram to occur, the heart must beat with a blunt force during a specific 20- to 40-millisecond window of one heartbeat, as the lower chambers of the heart are about to contract, and the heart’s rhythm An electrical shock must be delivered to the heart from an AED to return the heart to its normal rhythm.

Prompt CPR and defibrillation result in over 50% post-heart attack survival and recovery.

“If there is one lesson we can all learn, it is that the best way to survive a cardiac emergency, including a heart attack, is for as many people as possible to learn CPR. It enables each of us to prepare for and respond to cardiac emergencies that can happen literally anywhere.Starting steps in the chain of survival right away, such as calling 911, rapid CPR, and defibrillation, can help someone. It’s vital to save lives and must start within seconds to minutes of a patient’s collapse,” Tomaselli added. “Heart attack is a very rare event, but if it occurs during a sporting event, trained emergency medical personnel and AEDs are readily available, and CPR and defibrillation are started immediately, survival rates is now exceeding 50%, which is very good.The survival rate for most out-of-hospital cardiac arrests is less than 10%, which is a significant improvement.And in most cases, affected individuals are more likely to return to their previous lives and We can resume our activities.”

“We need to focus on the first few minutes after a heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest of any cause, because these are the most important. 10 minutes equals 10% potential loss of function and 10% loss of function. Poor odds of survival. 10 minutes is the time to save a life,” concludes Tomaselli.

“We are delighted that Dumar Hamlin appears to have made a full recovery,” said Nancy Brown, CEO of the American Heart Association. , it is that as many people as possible are recognizing how important it is to provide emergency care for all heart emergencies.Everyone watching that night will be on the verge of survival. I’ve seen the chain… In fact, it’s been successfully executed.Calling 119, prompt CPR and defibrillation are essential to saving someone’s life and getting an optimal recovery. It is highly recommended that at least one person in every home learns CPR and is ready to act as soon as someone encounters a heart emergency. ”

according to American Heart Association Stats Update 2023experienced by over 350,000 people in the US Out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrestAbout 90% of people who have out-of-hospital cardiac arrest die. As many as 23,000 of her under 18s experience sudden out-of-hospital cardiac arrest each year. A leading cause of death in student-athletes, sports-related sudden cardiac arrest accounts for approximately 40% of sudden cardiac arrests in people under the age of 18.

Approximately 70% of cardiac arrests occur in homes or private residences rather than hospitals (out-of-hospital cardiac arrests). Therefore, friends and family are most likely the ones who need to take action. CPR, especially if performed immediately, may double or triple the survival chances of a cardiac arrest victim.

The association has long advocated public policy at the federal, state, and community levels to encourage cardiac emergency planning, increase CPR and AED education and training, and strengthen health care systems. Last month, the association entered the National Football League, Smart Heart Sports Federation We work with the NFL, NBA, MLB, MLS, NHL, NCAA, American Red Cross, Cory Stringer Institute, National Athletic Trainers Association, and Chasing M’s Foundation of Dummer Hamlin. These and other public policies can prevent death from sudden cardiac arrest and should be implemented nationwide.

Resources for learning information about CPR and AEDs

From adults to adolescents, Hands-only CPR All you have to do is call 911 and press hard and fast on the center of your chest at a rate of 100-120 times per minute. You can find a CPR class near you at: more information on CPR, please visit:

AEDs are life-saving devices and most AEDs verbally instruct the user on each step on how to use the device. More information about AED use and training is available here.

The association is primarily funded by individuals. Foundations and companies (including pharmaceuticals, device manufacturers, and other companies) also make donations to fund specific programs and events of the association. The Society has strict policies to prevent these relationships from affecting the content of science. Income from pharmaceutical companies, biotech companies, device manufacturers, health insurers, and the association’s overall financial information are available. here.

Additional resources:

  • video (expert interview clips) and commotio cordis and Chain of Survival infographics are available in the right column. release link.
  • AHA Health Information: about heart feelings
  • AHA News Release:
  • Follow AHA/ASA news on Twitter @heart news

About the American Heart Association

The American Heart Association is a constant force for living longer, healthier lives. We are dedicated to ensuring equitable health in all communities. Working with dozens of organizations and supported by millions of volunteers, we fund groundbreaking research, advocate for public health, and share life-saving resources. The Dallas-based organization has been a leading source of health information for nearly a century.connect with us, Facebook, twitter Or call 1-800-AHA-USA1.


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