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COVID-19 pandemic has caused people to lose faith in pediatric vaccines, UNICEF says

COVID-19 pandemic has caused people to lose faith in pediatric vaccines, UNICEF says


LONDON (Reuters) – The COVID-19 pandemic drives the importance of routine childhood vaccinations against deadly diseases such as measles and polio, according to a new UNICEF report. , People around the world lost their trust.

According to the United Nations agency, public awareness of vaccines for children declined in 52 of the 55 countries surveyed between 2019 and 2021.

UNICEF said the data are a “worrying warning signal” of growing hesitancy to vaccines amid misinformation, declining trust in government and political polarization. said.

“We cannot allow reliance on routine immunization to become another victim of the pandemic,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell in a statement. It could be children with diphtheria, or other preventable diseases.”

The shift in perception is particularly worrying, the agency said. Maximum Sustained Backslide Childhood vaccination in a generation during COVID turmoil.

In total, 67 million children missed one or more potentially life-saving vaccines during the pandemic. outbreak.

According to UNICEF’s flagship annual report, The State of the World’s Children, the situation regarding vaccine confidence was mixed globally.

Countries such as Papua New Guinea and South Korea saw a 44% drop in agreement with the statement “Vaccines are important for children”, while Ghana, Senegal and Japan saw a drop of more than a third. In the US, it decreased by 13.6 points. Confidence is broadly flat or rising in India, China and Mexico, the report added.

The report emphasized that confidence in vaccines can easily change and results may not show long-term trends.

Despite the decline in confidence, more than 80% of respondents still say childhood vaccines are important in almost half of the countries surveyed.

This data was collected by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’s Vaccine Trust Project.

Reporting by Jennifer Rigby and Emma Phage.Editing by Bill Barclot

Our criteria: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

thomson Reuters

Jen reports on health issues that affect people around the world, from malaria to malnutrition. As part of the Health & Pharma team, recent notable work includes a survey on health care for young transgender people in the UK, a story about the rise in measles after COVID hits routine immunizations, and the following: It includes efforts to prevent pandemics. She previously worked for Telegraph newspapers in the UK and She Channel 4 News, as well as working as a freelancer in Myanmar and the Czech Republic.




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