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Hearing aids may reduce dementia risk in adults with hearing loss

Hearing aids may reduce dementia risk in adults with hearing loss


April 20, 2023

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Jiang does not report relevant financial disclosures. See research for relevant financial disclosures of all other authors.

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Important points:

  • People with hearing loss had a 42% increased risk of dementia compared to those without hearing loss.
  • Hearing-impaired people using hearing aids had similar dementia risks to those without hearing loss.

Data show that people with hearing loss who do not use hearing aids have a higher risk of dementia than those who do not lose their hearing. However, researchers found no increased risk for hearing loss in hearing aid users.

Previous studies have shown that mild to severe hearing loss alone Associated with high prevalence of dementia in the elderly, Dr. Fan Jiang, From the Center for Health Administration and Policy Research, Shandong University, China, and written by a colleague Lancet Public Health. Hearing loss treatments, such as hearing aids, may reduce the risk of cognitive impairment, they added.


Derived data: Jiang F, et al. lancet public health2023; doi:10.1016/S2468-2667(23)00048-8

Hearing aids have been associated with both improved cognitive function and reduced cognitive decline, but among inconsistent findings, “The association with dementia prevalence in real-world contexts is unclear. remains,” the researchers wrote.

Thus, Jiang and colleagues conducted a population cohort study to determine potential associations between hearing aid use and dementia risk. Their analysis included data from his 437,704 individuals enrolled in the UK Biobank between 2006 and 2010. The average age of the participants he was 56 years old and 53.7% were female.

25.6% of participants had hearing loss and 11.7% used hearing aids.

Compared to participants without hearing loss, participants with hearing loss without hearing aids had a 42% (95% CI, 1.29-1.56) increased risk of all-cause dementia. Researchers did not observe an increased risk for those with hearing loss who used hearing aids.

Jiang and colleagues estimated the proportion of risk attributed to hearing loss without hearing aids to be 29.08%. They also reported that the proportion of risk attributable to hearing loss and lack of hearing aid use was higher in women than in men.

  • All-cause dementia (35.9% vs 25.93%);
  • Alzheimer’s disease (28.06% vs 21.88%);
  • vascular dementia (43.82% vs 31.03%); and
  • Non-Alzheimer’s disease Nonvascular dementia (43.5% vs 25.93%).

Assessing the role of mediators such as self-reported isolation and loneliness, Jiang and colleagues found that 1.5% of the total association between hearing aid use and all-cause dementia was mediated by improved social isolation. I discovered that there is Reduce loneliness and depression respectively.

Researchers highlighted several potential causes behind the increased risk of dementia. This includes “the reallocation of cognitive resources to auditory perceptual processing, the deterioration of cognitive function due to long-term deprivation of auditory input, and common neurodegenerative processes in the aging brain that drive both cognition and cognition.” Decline and deafness, and social isolation caused by both hearing and cognitive loss.”

“However, whether hearing aid use reduces the risk of dementia remains to be seen. hearing loss due to lonelinesssocial isolation, and depression are unknown,” they added.

Ultimately, the findings underscore the importance of implementing measures directed at hearing loss to mitigate cognitive decline, write Jiang and colleagues.

“To increase the accessibility of hearing aids by raising awareness of the potential harm of hearing loss and untreated hearing loss, reducing costs, encouraging screening and providing potential interventions such as hearing aid fitting. We need a public health strategy,” they wrote.




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