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Can a diabetic eat dessert?

Can a diabetic eat dessert?


Does this mean that if you have diabetes, eating dessert is completely forbidden? Since desserts tend to be made with a lot of sugar and controlling blood sugar levels is essential for diabetics, these Types of sugary foods diabetic meal plan.

Photo recipe: chocolate peanut butter energy bar

Thankfully that’s not true.Just because desserts contain sugar doesn’t mean people with diabetes should avoid them altogether. Blood glucose level— and the practice of moderation, according to Mackenzie Burgess, RDNthe recipe developer of Cheerful Choices.

Diabetes is a very common condition among Americans. More than 37 million people have a diagnosis of diabetes, and one in three Americans has prediabetes. CDCWith so many people discovering how to properly manage their blood sugar levels for good health, it’s important to learn how to eat to keep blood sugar spikes low while enjoying delicious desserts.

How Desserts Affect Blood Sugar Levels

Desserts are high in sugar and simple carbohydrates, so they’re faster and higher blood sugar more than other foods. This is probably why diabetics have the impression that they cannot enjoy sweet foods.

However, dessert ingredients are important in terms of their response to blood sugar levels. Desserts containing high-fiber fruit have a lower glycemic index, as fiber slows digestion and prevents blood sugar spikes. So are proteins and fats.

Can a diabetic eat dessert?

Yes, diabetics can have dessert. It’s all about considering individual needs. “Everyone is different, so pay attention to how certain desserts make you feel and affect your blood sugar,” says Burgess. What you eat before, and at what time of day, can all affect your blood sugar response when you eat dessert, he explains. can be found.”

Controlling the amount is also important to avoid a sudden rise in blood sugar levels. Portioning desserts may seem tedious, Burgess says, but this particular step makes it easier to manage your levels while enjoying a sweet treat when you need it.

Choosing the Best Desserts for Diabetes

what to look for

“Desserts can be part of a healthy, balanced diet when consumed in moderation,” says Burgess. You may want to consider options that contain healthy fats, as these nutrients slow the absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream and help balance blood sugar.”

Burgess’ go-to desserts include Medjool dates stuffed with peanut butter. energy byteschia seed pudding with toppings (fruit, nuts, yogurt, etc.), protein powder baked desserts, nut butter based desserts, etc. almond butter quinoa blondie.

You can also fill it with treats that use sugar substitutes.Research published in Journal of Medical Academic In 2018, artificial sweeteners were shown to have less of an impact on blood sugar than regular sugar. “This could be a good choice for someone looking to cut back on carbs and sugar intake while still enjoying dessert,” says Burgess. she says. However, some people are more sensitive to artificial sweeteners and may experience digestive issues.

what to limit

There’s no food you can’t completely avoid, but if you want to keep your blood sugar low, it’s important to limit your intake of snack cakes, candies, cookies, and other desserts that mostly contain refined carbs and sugar. Desserts containing fiber, protein and healthy fats, on the other hand, can help slow the glycemic response. there is.

Tips for including desserts in a healthy diabetic-friendly diet

“Combining high-sugar desserts with protein or fiber sources slows the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream, which can help prevent blood sugar spikes,” Burgess says. It takes longer to digest than simple carbohydrates like high fructose corn syrup.For example, if you’re eating cookies, consider pairing it with a handful of nuts or fiber-rich fruit.”

The timing of eating dessert also affects blood sugar levels. Burgess points to a 2019 study. The forefront of endocrinology This is because eating a protein- and fat-containing food before a carbohydrate-rich food (such as a sweet dessert) slows digestion and reduces insulin function compared to eating only a carbohydrate (or sweet) food. It suggests improvement.


1. What desserts can diabetics eat?

Desserts of all kinds are welcome to diabetics as long as they are consumed in moderation and combined with digestion-slowing nutrients such as fiber, protein and healthy fats. Desserts are those that already contain these elements and are already naturally low in sugar. Examples include fruit and cream, yogurt-based desserts, and desserts with nuts or nut butters.

2. Can diabetics eat cake?

Yes, if you’re diabetic, you can eat cake or any other dessert you like. , is to enjoy the cake immediately after a well-balanced meal.

3. Can people with diabetes eat sweets?

Sweets can be enjoyed in moderation. Another option for diabetics is to choose sweets that contain alternative sweeteners such as sucralose, erythritol, allulose, stevia and monk fruit. These sweeteners don’t raise blood sugar levels as much as traditional sugary desserts.


People with diabetes can certainly enjoy desserts as long as they contain elements of fiber, protein and healthy fats, or are paired with foods containing these. Elements are key to stabilizing glucose levels during meals and avoiding blood sugar spikes from sugary and carbohydrate-heavy desserts. Fruits, seeds, nuts, and nut butters all work well as add-ins to dessert items to keep blood sugar levels low.

Make a Glycemic-Friendly Dessert at Home with Any of These 25 diabetes-friendly desserts you’ll want to make forever.




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