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You may need to wear sunscreen indoors, this is why


People may be accustomed to the new standards by now after being quarantined for months. Working from home, keeping a social distance, and having limited time in public are commonplace for many.

Sunscreens are commonly used outdoors, but people may work at home and spend most of their time indoors, so wearing sunscreens may be the last thing to keep in mind. not. But do you still need sunscreen if you are barely exposed to the sun? Medical professionals have the answer.

You may need to wear sunscreen indoors, this is why

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You may need to wear sunscreen indoors, this is why

Why do you put sunscreen inside?

by NBC News, 4 of the 5 dermatologists they interviewed recommend wearing sunscreen indoors. According to experts, when someone sits near a window or in front of a computer screen, they are exposed to light that can damage the skin.

They identified three main reasons why it is best to wear sunscreen indoors with SPF. These all involve UVA, UVB, and blue light from smartphones, computers, and TVs.

For example, UV A rays can cause signs of aging such as reduced elasticity and wrinkles. According to non-profit organizations Skin cancer foundation, UVA can “penetrate through the window”. Unfortunately, not all windows have sun protection.

In addition, Robyn Gmyrek MD Parkview Laser DermatologyHe said it is important to wear broad-spectrum sunscreens for the entire year, as the harmful side effects of UVA affect the skin. “You may not know how much UVA exposure you have, because it does not cause sunburn,” Gmyrek says.

Of course, there are also ultraviolet B rays that can damage the skin’s DNA, which causes inflammation that causes sunburn. Orit Markowitz, MD, Director of Pigmented Lesions and Skin Cancer at Mount Sinai Hospital.

He also explained that blue light emitted from digital screens such as computers, smartphones, tablets and TVs can affect the skin in two ways.

First, blue light increases the production of skin pigmentation or pigmentation known as melanin, which can lead to melasma and spots. Second, blue light can also generate free radicals that can trigger an inflammatory response, which leads to the destruction of collagen and elastic tissue in the skin.

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So what type of sunscreen is best to wear indoors?

After deciding to wear sunscreen, the next step to take is to determine which prescription will meet your skin type and its SPF needs. Jim Lek said that all chemical and physical sunscreens are effective as long as they are labeled with SPF 30 and above.

Mineral or physical sunscreens use iron oxide, zinc oxide, or titanium dioxide. These create a physical barrier that prevents UV and blue light from reaching the skin. Physical sunscreens are less likely to clog pores because they are made to sit on the skin.

On the other hand, chemical sunscreens “absorb UV rays before they damage the skin.” However, this also means that they are absorbed into the skin, which is a harmful side effect of using them. Not only that, but it can also have a negative impact on the environment and marine life.

read more: Top Picks: Best UV Sunglasses for Men and Women Available on Amazon

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