App founder empowers women to speak up about menopause
When Laura Crain was about 15, she noticed a change in her mother’s personality.
Jokes that she would normally find funny would upset her. For Crane, an only child growing up in Germany, this changed her family dynamic. Her mother was as attentive and loving as she had been, but her happiness seemed dimmed.
Crain discovered that his mother, who was in her late 40s at the time, was going through menopause. perimenopauseor transition to menopause, is the time leading up to menopause when the ovaries release eggs less frequently and produce less of the female hormone estrogen.
During this period, women usually have short or irregular menstrual cycles and are less likely to conceive. These changes have many side effects, including night sweats, mood changes, trouble sleeping, joint pain, and difficulty concentrating. mayo clinic.
“In hindsight, she must not have even known what it was. It’s not,” says Crain.
When Crain, now in his late 30s, began talking to his mother about menopause decades later, he was intrigued that she remembered only the changes in her body, mostly hot flashes. She also did not discuss her emotional symptoms she experienced.
Those conversations were Crain’s “haha” moments, she says. In 2019, she launched a blog called Perrybrings together experts in all aspects of health care to give women (and those with wombs) a place to learn about perimenopause and menopause.
place for community
In 2021, Crain will launch an app based on his blog.of perry app It also includes a mountain of vetted information from experts, but the focus is on the community.
“I really built Perry with me in mind,” says Crane. “Our mothers prepare us for periods and then for pregnancy, but the next chapter was very much a black box for me. There is not much preparation or guidance from mothers or society.”
That lack of preparation and support was in stark contrast to what she experienced during her two pregnancies. And while not everyone chooses to become a mother, all women go through menopause, she notes Crain.
of North American Menopause Society estimates that by 2025, approximately 1.1 billion women worldwide will be postmenopausal (the time after a woman’s periods have stopped for 12 consecutive months), and many more will experience symptoms. increase. Psychological and physical symptoms occur more than 10 years before her menopause and may persist for more than 10 years after a woman’s last menstrual period.
“I used so many apps, even when I was tracking myself. fertility Before I got pregnant,” she said, adding that she sought support from trusted at-home baby-focused brands such as Honest Company, Expect When You’re Expecting, and Baby Center. .
She felt very well taken care of, not only by a team of health care providers, but also by these resources who answered her questions quickly and informed her of what was normal and what was not. I got
“There is much to learn, [ways to] Prepare for pregnancy. That support system doesn’t match that of, say, a woman who goes through menopause in seven years,” she says.
menopause for millennials
Millennial Crain asked himself how millennials approaching menopause can prepare for their next big life transition.
Menopause is the cessation of menstruation for 12 consecutive months. Although there are physical aspects menopausehot flashes etc. dryness of the vaginaare some of the commonly recognized symptoms, mental and emotional symptoms. anxiety and depressioncan hit just as hard and last for years, says Crain.
according to mayo clinicperimenopause, estrogen level It causes changes in the menstrual cycle, causing unexpected spikes and drops.This can cause many physical symptoms, including Urinary-tract infection (UTI) and bladder infections, changes in sexual function, and mental and emotional changes such as: forgetfulnessirritability, mood swings, depression, and anxiety.
“It’s a misconception that you don’t get symptoms until you’re in your 50s and just have hot flashes. It’s a really long way to go, and in some people it can lead to pretty serious symptoms for quite a while,” says Crane.
Prior to starting Perry, he worked as a brand manager for a major brand, focusing on historically neglected and underserved consumer products. With German and Nigerian parents, Klein managed dark hair care and feminine products for people living in African countries.
She learned important strategies from her brand development work. It was essential to include women in the conversation rather than building a brand that spoke to people, especially women.
“We’re building a trusted resource brand for community content and ultimately building solutions for things that help this process in women’s lives,” she says.
She knew community was important.
“We all want community and advice, and we want validation, so we started Perry as a community-first platform,” explains Crain.
Expertly Scrutinized, Peer-Reviewed
With 12,000 users today, Perry is first and foremost a forum, says Crain. And she made a conscious decision not to post it on her existing social media.
“I realized that I didn’t want to see those conversations in the same feed as my fishing photos because this is such an intimate conversation, and being able to share it in that safe space is important,” she says.
The platform supports these core ‘peer-to-peer’ conversations with vetted information on various aspects. menopausal transitionThis balance allows apps to care for their communities in unique ways.
The app includes blog posts and podcast episode Top fitness and nutrition experts, psychologists, obstetricians and other experts analyze topics such as menopausal body changes and available treatment options.
We also have Perry Big Sisters members who provide helpful product reviews and health experts who put their own perspective on whether a product works.
App users can keep in touch with each other and ask questions like “Does anyone else have one?” Decreased libido One day, soaring libido? Or “Can anyone recommend a menopausal specialist in my city?”
Community support can be an important resource to help people have conversations about menopause as well as maternity leave, Crain said.
One of the app’s most popular community subgroups deals with the ubiquitous question, “Is this normal?”
“Community as care is important, especially during difficult times in life,” says Crain. “That peer-to-peer support is very important for validation and breaking out of peri-menopausal isolation.”
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