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The irises of boobies that survived bird flu turn from black to blue, study says birds

The irises of boobies that survived bird flu turn from black to blue, study says birds


Northern boobies’ bright blue irises turn black if they survive bird flu, according to a new study that provides evidence that some wild birds are shedding deadly viruses.

Avian influenza It has been killing wild birds and poultry for decades, but the current strain (H5N1) SEVERELY AFFECTED SEABIRD POPULATIONS Last year saw a particularly high mortality rate for gannets crossing the North Atlantic.

Scientists from multiple organizations have investigated the timing of outbreaks of avian influenza in colonies across the North Atlantic range, with a detailed study of the virus’ impact on the largest Scottish Bass Rock. boobies colonies of the world.

Black irises were first seen on breeding boobies in Bass Rock last June, instead of the usual pale blue.

Researchers took blood samples from 18 apparently healthy adult boobies with both normal and black irises and tested for bird flu antibodies to determine if the birds had been previously infected. I judged. Eight tested positive, seven of whom had black irises.

Dr. Jude LaneRSPB conservation scientist and lead author the studysaid the “fascinating” finding that boobies that survived bird flu infections no longer had normal iris color could prove a useful noninvasive diagnostic tool.

“The next step is to understand its efficacy, whether it applies to other species, and whether it has detrimental effects on bird vision,” she said. An ophthalmic examination is also required to determine the cause of the color.”

Last April, the first mass deaths of boobies were found in Iceland. By the end of June, bird flu had broken out in his five colonies in Canada and the Channel Islands. Outbreaks in 12 colonies in the UK and Ireland continued in a clockwise pattern, with the last infected colony he documented in September. Abnormally high mortality was recorded in all but one of the 41 monitored colonies (75% of the 53 North Atlantic colonies of boobies).

At Bass Rock, researchers calculated adult bird survival from 2021 to 2022 to be 42% lower than the average for the previous decade. The full number of birds that died during that period will not be confirmed until the birds return this breeding season.

The Farne Islands, a popular seabird breeding ground off the coast of Northumberland, are now closed to tourists after a new outbreak of bird flu this spring.

This research RSPBMorethe Universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University and the Animal and Plant Health Authority in partnership with the Scottish Seabird Centre.




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