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Best Practices for Promoting Employee Well-Being

Best Practices for Promoting Employee Well-Being


Best Practices for Promoting Employee Well-Being


What Are the Best Practices for Promoting Employee Well-Being?


To help you create a supportive and healthy work environment, we gathered insights from 19 professionals, including career experts, HR directors, and founders. From promoting napping and wellness programs to offering employee assistance programs, discover the best practices these experts have implemented to promote employee well-being.

  • Promote Napping and Wellness Programs
  • Implement Check-Ins and Wellness Classes
  • Embrace Flexible Work Schedules
  • Offer Cross-Functional Training
  • Foster Inclusivity and Address Mental Health
  • Use Gamification for Well-Being
  • Prioritize Work Freedom and Wellness Initiatives
  • Host Monthly Team Meetings
  • Introduce Game Breaks for Relaxation
  • Provide Gym Memberships to Employees
  • Implement Mandatory Offline Time
  • Launch an Employee Volunteer Initiative
  • Explore Your Team’s Outside Career Interests
  • Establish Workforce Resource Groups
  • Support Employee Mental Health
  • Manage Workloads Effectively
  • Create a Supportive Work Environment
  • Promote Open Communication
  • Offer Employee Assistance Programs


Promote Napping and Wellness Programs

Even on the busiest days, taking an afternoon nap refreshes you enough to continue working. It’s common practice for forward-thinking businesses like Facebook to provide quiet spaces where employees can get some shut-eye after lunch.

Since most of these workplaces allow for napping during the workday, employees can get back to their tasks feeling refreshed. It has been scientifically shown that naps improve efficiency.

It is important to inform staff about the wellness program. They should know the plan’s goals, the value of health, and the improvements in their life that this will bring.

Aleksandar Ginovski, Career Expert, Resume Expert and Product Manager, Enhancv


Implement Check-Ins and Wellness Classes

I have implemented regular “check-ins” with employees to discuss their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This allows us to catch any issues before they become a problem, and to provide support and resources when needed. 

We also offer free wellness classes and activities to help promote physical health, as well as mental health days off to encourage employees to take a break and recharge.

Ranee Zhang, VP of Growth, Airgram


Embrace Flexible Work Schedules

We have found that offering flexible work schedules is an excellent way to improve employee well-being. This covers alternatives like remote work and flexible hours, enabling our personnel to achieve a healthier balance between their professional and home life and lowering stress. 

In addition, we place a high value on open communication and offer services that support both mental and physical health to foster a healthy work environment.

Coty Perry, Chief Marketing Officer,


Offer Cross-Functional Training

We found that offering cross-functional training for our teams is a great way to boost employee skills and help them feel happy and fulfilled.

Our business has the advantage of having multiple departments. This means we can offer employees training in areas outside their primary role or department. Learning new skills is a great way to make employees feel happy and fulfilled. 

It gives them more confidence and job satisfaction. Plus, employees who are more skilled can get their work done faster and with less stress. That means they’ll have more time for the things they love outside of work. 

Upskilling can also open up new opportunities for growth and challenge, which can be really motivating. And let’s remember that it can lead to higher salaries and better career prospects.

Yama Jason, Founder, Parlun Building


Foster Inclusivity and Address Mental Health

To promote well-being means emphasizing that people matter. We think that as adults; they care little about the art of belonging, but they do. I can be invited to the business retreat, but when I get there, it does not guarantee that I will feel a genuine sense of belonging. 

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs clearly shows that belonging creates physiological safety and deeply rooted trust. So, I have been expanding my HR skill set and learning more about safe language, inclusive language, cultural intelligence, DEI methods, and so much more. 

First, we must self-reflect on how we feel and our emotions and how these emotions or biases impact others and their sense of well-being. We must remove the veil of secrecy regarding mental health issues and deal with matters such as depression and anxiety. 

These are not bad words, and we should not shame others at all. I believe true love and genuine care cure a lot of co-signing on someone individually or promoting their invisibility.

Tanya Turner, MBA, SHRM-CP, PHR, HR Director, SALTO Systems


Use Gamification for Well-Being

Gamification is nothing new, but I have found that companies are slow to adopt it. Sure, I have seen many companies implement it—but there are so many ways to use gamification, including for your employees.

And gamification has been a great thing to promote employee well-being. There are a couple of ways to go about this process. What I’ve found is that setting up a “point” system that employees can follow works. 

But for this, have an in-office smoothie station and perhaps contract with a gym. The employees get points for drinking smoothies and going to the gym. They have deducted points when they are caught eating things that are unhealthy.

It’s a bit of a more “invasive” approach—but it definitely helps to keep them motivated and healthy. And‌ a healthier workforce means less downtime and more productivity.

Joe Flanagan, Founder, 90s Fashion World


Prioritize Work Freedom and Wellness Initiatives

Offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work possibilities and flexible timetables, is one instance. This gives our employees the freedom to manage their personal obligations while still carrying out their job duties. We’ve seen an increase in employee engagement, a decrease in burnout, and an overall rise in job satisfaction because we put our team members’ needs first and trust them to find a balance that works for them.

We also promote regular breaks and offer wellness programs that emphasize both physical and emotional health. These programs, which range from health challenges to yoga and meditation sessions, have produced a nurturing environment that promotes resilience and happiness among workers.

Percy Grunwald, Co-founder, Compare Banks 


Host Monthly Team Meetings

I have implemented monthly team meetings to promote employee well-being. During these meetings, we discuss topics related to mental and physical health, stress relief, and work-life balance. 

We discuss any potential issues or problems that may arise and advice and support. This helps employees develop a sense of camaraderie, understanding, and appreciation for each other and their well-being.

Farhan Advani, Co-founder, Hair Extensions Advisor


Introduce Game Breaks for Relaxation

As a small team of 12 working from a warehouse, we always enjoyed taking short, collective breaks to relax, have a free discussion, and rest a bit from work. Lately, we have introduced game breaks into our daily schedule, a short 15-20 minute break where we can chat, relax, and play some games together. 

Taking breaks is the key element of the modern workplace, and this is simply our way of taking breaks that also focus on building teamwork, relationships, and deeper connections through games and gaming.

Eric Mills, Owner, Lightning Card Collection


Provide Gym Memberships to Employees

In this fast-paced world, workers are becoming increasingly burdened with too many things, whether that is in their personal lives or their professional careers. As a CEO, I believe it is crucial for employers to be key players in maintaining the health and wellness of their staff.

Since the pandemic of 2020, our company has been dominantly employing remote work arrangements. And since our line of work mostly involves a sedentary lifestyle, it’s crucial to encourage our employees to engage in regular physical activity. That’s why providing gym memberships has become an important program for maintaining the well-being of our employees.

What we do is provide localized gym vouchers and/or reimbursements to our employees to cover their membership. This has been favorable to our employees so far, and they have received this program of ours warmly. Basically, our employees have time to get fit for less outlay; healthier employees get sick less often. It’s a win-win for both parties.

Jonathan Merry, Founder, Moneyzine


Implement Mandatory Offline Time

One unique practice I’ve implemented to promote employee well-being is the concept of mandatory offline time. This counteracts the burnout that often accompanies remote work and the always-on digital culture. 

Companies enforce a block of time, typically two hours during the workday, where employees are required to step away from their computers and engage in non-work activities such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, or even napping. 

By carving out and institutionalizing this time, companies show they value balance and self-care, leading to more refreshed and productive employees.

Ilija Sekulov, Marketing and SEO, Mailbutler


Launch Employee Volunteer Initiative

We firmly believe that employee well-being goes beyond just the physical. That’s why we’ve implemented an employee volunteer initiative. The program encourages our team members to engage with local communities and take part in causes they’re passionate about. 

It’s been truly amazing to witness the positive impact this has had on their overall happiness and job satisfaction. Just to share a personal instance, one of our engineers, Sarah, spent her volunteer hours helping a nearby school develop a miniature solar-powered system for their science fair. 

Not only did she find the experience deeply fulfilling, but she also brought back fresh insights that have since benefited our team. This initiative‌ has created a more engaged, motivated, and balanced workforce.

Ben McInerney, Founder and Director, GoSolarQuotes


Support Employees’ Outside Career Interests

I help employees with their career interests outside of their current job. I was leading a customer service team of 5 people and noticed the job was not always stimulating for them, so I paid attention to their stories about hobbies they had outside of work.

Once I knew what those were, I helped my staff by offering:

-Business advice

-Connecting them with people I knew

-Offering training

The CS staff I lead were also filmmakers, artists, and cooks. Since that time, one debuted a film at Cannes, one became a photographer, and the other opened a bakery. Over the course of 5 years, I had a very low turnover rate and employee satisfaction was very high.

Kristina Ramos, Reverse Recruiter, Find My Profession


Establish Employee Resource Groups

To promote employee well-being, we established Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). These groups provide a platform for employees to connect, share experiences, and seek support. ERGs cater to various dimensions of diversity, such as gender, ethnicity, and LGBTQ+ identities. 

They organize events, workshops, and discussions on topics that promote well-being, inclusivity, and personal growth. Through these communities, employees feel a sense of belonging and support, positively affecting their overall well-being and job satisfaction.

Tiffany Payne, Head Of Content,


Support Employee Mental Health

As there are many new programs, initiatives, and benefits to offer employees around well-being, one of the most important is around supporting mental health. Whether that be lessons, support programs, or ensuring that your team understands how-tos and resources. 

For example, I have taken a course provided by SHRM called “Workplace Mental Health Ally,” which provides me with an understanding of certain mental health situations and how to support employees (and others) in the fight against our mental health crisis. 

There is much that can go into supporting employees’ mental health in the workplace, and as a company, this also shows efforts in the bigger picture of DEI and Belonging (employee engagement). 

You can uncover new ways of thinking and provide feedback to all levels of the organization in training and development that can fit the needs of your team and those you support.

Charles Mangino, Head of People, Culture and DEI, Decusoft


Manage Workloads Effectively

We have implemented a best practice of ensuring that workloads are reasonable and manageable for our employees. This includes assessing and distributing tasks effectively and considering individual capabilities and capacity. 

By avoiding excessive workloads, we prevent burnout and create an environment that supports employee well-being. We regularly communicate with our team to ensure they have a healthy work-life balance, providing resources and support when needed. 

This practice promotes employee well-being and enhances productivity and job satisfaction.

Roy Lau, Co-founder, 28 Mortgage


Create a Supportive Work Environment

One of the best practices to promote employee well-being is to foster a supportive and inclusive work environment. This includes providing clear communication channels for employees to express their needs and concerns, promoting work-life balance by encouraging reasonable working hours and flexible schedules when possible, and offering opportunities for personal and professional development. 

Implementing wellness programs, such as fitness initiatives (Work Olympics), and stress management resources (on-site Yoga or Massages, Ping-pong, Team Games, and activities), can contribute to creating a positive and healthy workplace culture that prioritizes employee well-being.

Momchil Minchev, Human Strategy Manager, HR Systems and Analytics, ADS, Inc.


Promote Open Communication

One highly effective practice we have implemented to promote the well-being of our employees is the cultivation of a culture that embraces open communication. We actively encourage the practice of proactively seeking and giving feedback, creating an environment where every team member feels comfortable expressing their thoughts, observations, and ideas. 

This fosters a profound sense of psychological safety, empowering individuals to share their opinions without fear of judgment or reprisal. 

We place great emphasis on providing our employees with the freedom and autonomy to decide and take ownership of their work. This level of trust and empowerment significantly enhances their overall well-being, contributing to a happier and more motivated workforce. 

We prioritize the importance of ensuring our employees take regular breaks to rest and rejuvenate themselves for overall well-being.

Shruti Nayak, Principal Associate and Head of Assessment Practice, Naman Integrated Management Services Pvt. Ltd


Offer Employee Assistance Programs

Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) have been implemented to promote employee well-being. These programs provide employees with access to confidential counseling and support services to help them navigate personal or work-related challenges. 

By offering professional help in a safe and confidential environment, EAPs can address mental health concerns, work-related stress, financial difficulties, substance abuse issues, and other challenges that may affect employee well-being. 

EAPs show a commitment to employee support, fostering a positive work environment, reducing stigma around seeking help, and promoting overall employee well-being.

Jason Cheung, Operations Manager, Credit KO







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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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