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Untangling the Human Mind: Cognitive-Personal Interaction

Untangling the Human Mind: Cognitive-Personal Interaction


summary: Researchers are making progress in mapping the complex interactions between human cognition and personality traits.

The study integrated data from more than 1,300 studies worldwide representing 2 million participants to examine how personality traits and cognitive abilities are intertwined.

Findings reveal a direct link between cognitive performance and activity level, the impact of mental health on knowledge accumulation, and a strong positive correlation between cognitive performance and open-mindedness. This research revolutionizes our understanding of the human personality and sheds light on the diverse tapestry of the human mind.

Important facts:

  1. The study drew on data from more than 1,300 studies across 50 countries with more than 2 million participants.
  2. It turns out that active, energetic people have superior abilities in various cognitive skills, such as knowledge acquisition and memory retrieval.
  3. There is a strong positive relationship between cognitive ability and an open mind.

sauce: University of Minnesota

In a new groundbreaking study, the University of Minnesota research explores the surprising links between human cognition and personality—the pillars of human personality that shape who we are and how we interact with the world. shows relevance.

personality It influences our actions, emotions, and thoughts, and determines whether we are extroverted, polite, tenacious, curious, or anxious.

Cognitive ability, on the other hand, is an umbrella that reflects the ability to transcend complexity, such as articulating language, understanding complex mathematics, and drawing logical conclusions.

Credit: Neuroscience News

Despite popular belief that certain connections exist (for example, introverts are often perceived to be more intelligent), scientists do not have a comprehensive understanding of these complex connections. I lacked understanding.

This research Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, It integrates data from over 1,300 studies over the past century, represents over 2 million participants from 50 countries, and is published in academic journals, exam manuals, military databases, unpublished datasets, and even private companies. integrates data from its own database.

This monumental effort delves into the full spectrum of personality traits and cognitive abilities across multiple cultures and demographic groups. It features 79 personality traits, from modesty to agreeableness, and 97 cognitive abilities, from reading speed to memory.

“Knowing how personality and intelligence are related allows us to ponder the deeper question of why,” said co-author of the study and professor of psychology at the College of Arts and Sciences. says Denise Wans.

“These findings are a testament to human diversity and individuality. Only by knowing ourselves can we reach our full potential. “

Key findings include:

  • Active and energetic people tend to be better at using different cognitive abilities. Most notably, this includes extensive knowledge, efficient memory retrieval, and enhanced information processing. No matter what the subject, active people tend to be familiar with it.
  • People prone to experiencing high levels of depression and anxiety may find it more difficult to accumulate knowledge and reason logically.
  • Those who were more diligent and caring tended to have better verbal and quantitative knowledge skills. This finding suggests an interesting link between personality traits and learning methods.
  • There is a strong, positive relationship between many cognitive abilities and an open mind (that is, receptivity to fresh ideas).

“It took more than 13 years and a team of more than 30 volunteers to locate, translate, type and analyze more than 1,300 studies,” said co-author of the study and former university personality researcher. Kevin Stanek, who headed the intelligence lab, said.

“We are extremely grateful not only to the research team, but also to a broad group of thousands of academics, librarians, and companies who have contributed their time and data to put together this mosaic.”

A surprising finding from this study was the consistency of research methods over the past century. Modern personality studies still often employ self-reported written consent.

To combat this stagnation, the authors are working on research exploring the use of innovative methods such as sensor research and generative AI to assess personality traits and cognitive abilities.

About this Cognitive and Personality Research News

author: Savannah Erdmann
sauce: University of Minnesota
contact: Savannah Erdman – University of Minnesota
image: Image credited to Neuroscience News

Original research: closed access.
Meta-analytic relationships between personality and cognitive abilitiesBy Denise Wands et al. PNAS


Meta-analytic relationships between personality and cognitive abilities

Cognitive abilities and personality are fundamental areas of human psychology. Despite a century of extensive research, most relationships between abilities and personality remain unestablished.

Using a contemporary hierarchical personality and cognitive ability framework, we meta-analyze the unexplored associations between personality traits and cognitive ability and provide large-scale evidence for their relationships.

This study quantitatively summarizes 60,690 relationships between 79 personality and 97 cognitive performance components in 3,543 meta-analyses based on data from millions of individuals. A new set of relationships is revealed by distinguishing between hierarchical personality and capacity building blocks (elements, aspects, aspects, etc.).

The association between personality traits and cognitive abilities is not limited to openness and its components. Some aspects or aspects of Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Conscientiousness are highly associated not only with specific abilities, but also with core abilities.

Overall, the results encyclopedically quantify what is currently known about the relationship between personality and ability, identify previously unrecognized combinations of traits, and uncover knowledge gaps.

Meta-analysis results are visualized in an interactive web tool. A database of coded research and relationships is provided to the scientific community for further research, understanding and application.




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