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Why Do Energy Drinks Contain Taurine?

Why Do Energy Drinks Contain Taurine?


I have an old Scotty dog ​​with a cane. Naturally, he thinks of the skateboard in front of him, and the skate ramp beyond. Will this adventure end in disaster? No need to worry. Since he’s a cartoon in a Red Bull ad, this venerable hound carries a can of the brand’s signature energy drink. After going down like a student at a party, he performs a smooth double loop and nonchalantly grabs the board with one hand (or rather, his front foot). “Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” he says.

Coincidentally, a Red Bull ad earlier this year was oddly prescient. This week, scientists revealed that taurine, an amino acid commonly added to energy drinks, appears to have impressive effects. Properties that extend life and promote health in some mammals. This finding has not yet been replicated in humans, but it is hoped that it will. maybe soon.

But why are these supplements added to energy drinks in the first place, and would drinking more of them help?

forgotten hero

Taurine is an amino acid commonly found in meat, fish and eggs. It is rare in plants, but is contained in small amounts in plants. algae, bacteria, fungi. It is sometimes sold as a supplement. Popular with bodybuilders and athleteswho believe it may help control body temperature and reduce muscle fatigue during exercise.

Taurine, unlike other amino acids, is not actually used to build proteins in the body, but it does play a variety of roles, especially in the body. central nervous system – Among other things, it regulates the amount of calcium in nerve cells and controls inflammation. In fact, taurine makes up about 0.1% of an animal’s body weight. It was first isolated from European cattle bile in the 1820s (boss Taurus),From there the origin of its name.

most of the time Recent research, an international team of researchers tested the effects of daily doses on middle-aged mice and rhesus monkeys — they were 14 months and 15 years old, respectively, at the time of testing. Because the amount of taurine in the blood of mice, monkeys and humans naturally declines with age, the research team was interested in whether supplemental amino acid supplementation would be beneficial.

The results were astonishing. Animals that took taurine appeared to have better functioning muscles, brains, immune systems, and other organs, and appeared significantly healthier and younger than animals that did not take amino acid supplements. rice field. Importantly, taurine-treated mice had a 10-12% longer lifespan, and monkeys had similar lifespans. If extra taurine intake in later life has a similar effect in humans, it could be equivalent to an extra decade of intake.

“I thought this was too good to be true,” said Henning Wackerhage, senior lecturer in molecular exercise physiology at the University of Aberdeen and one of the study’s 50 co-authors. . told the BBC.




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