How to Protect Yourself in a Post-Emergency Pandemic : Goat and Soda : NPR

A seagull picks up a discarded protective mask from the marina shoreline on August 11, 2020 in Dover, England.
Leon Neal/Getty Images
Leon Neal/Getty Images
A seagull picks up a discarded protective mask from the marina shoreline on August 11, 2020 in Dover, England.
Leon Neal/Getty Images
How many COVID-19 tests should I keep on hand? Can I throw a mask? Should we still fear the prolongation of the new coronavirus?
These are some of the questions we received when we asked what our thoughts were during this new phase of the pandemic. Last month, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared the state of emergency over, even though the virus was still circulating.
The question you sent is about prevention and treatment. We asked some of the COVID-19 experts we’ve been working with over the past three years.
There is one caveat. Whereas past FAQs about the pandemic often resulted in consensus on how best to stay safe, we are now entering an era where different experts have differing opinions. And with the significant lifting of mandates comes more responsibility than ever before. Individuals must decide how much risk they are willing to take and what countermeasures make the most sense for them.
How many rapid tests should I take at home just in case?
Testing is readily available in many places. But if you’ve been in contact with someone who later turns out to be contagious, or if you start exhibiting coronavirus-like symptoms, there’s no need to rush to find a nose swab. Some health professionals we interviewed have suggested having one test per person in the household. Alternatively, if there are people in your family who are at high risk of becoming seriously ill, he suggests perhaps getting a couple of tests. Charlotte Baker, director of epidemiology and health equity officer at Truveta, a data company that tracks electronic health records. She herself is immunocompromised.
The answer to “some,” he says, is mainly to find a calming strategy. Doctor.Amesh Adalja “I think it depends on how often the person expects to be tested. Some people don’t test at all, some people test often.” Keep in mind that the test is also sold online if there is a shortage in your area. The Food and Drug Administration is also extending the expiration date of some COVID-19 tests and building a list of tests. Affected brands.
I’ve heard a lot about Pax Rovid [the pill prescribed to people who contract COVID-19 and are deemed at higher risk of severe disease]. If you are traveling you will need to obtain a secret prescription. No, it’s against the rules. Not available for visitors to other countries. What’s your best advice for travelers?
Pfizer’s drugs are approved for use in many other countries as well as the United States. While it’s easy to get a prescription in the U.S. right now, there are reports that paxlovid is not available to international travelers if they contracted COVID-19 in another country. For high-risk American travelers, getting a prescription written in the US in advance may sound wise, but there is one problem. That is in violation of the original FDA approval rules for this drug. Regulations dictate that symptoms must be present before an attack. A doctor writes her Rx.
Some doctors allow exceptions. Doctor.Amesh Adalja “I have long said that it makes sense for high-risk people who are traveling to undergo treatment such as: [Paxlovid with them] to make sure. An Emergency Use Authorization prohibits this type of use. But as a doctor, I have no problem prescribing this to my patients in this way, and I suspect other doctors would agree. ”
Important Precautions: Paxlovid may interact with other medications you are taking, so it is important to check with your doctor before starting any prescription. If your health care team has overridden your prophylaxis prescription, ask them if they consider traveling to another country without taking the medicine dangerous to their health. Then decide if traveling abroad is a good idea while COVID-19 is still prevalent. Dr. Gregory Polandan infectious disease specialist at the Mayo Clinic.
Note: Paxlovid received full approval from the Food and Drug Administration on May 25, Michael GanioThe senior director of pharmacy operations and quality at the Health System Pharmacists Association said the emergency approval rule still applies because the U.S. drug supply is purchased by the government prior to approval and the government continues to oversee drug distribution. said to have been.
You interviewed a doctor who said he wouldn’t wear a mask to a meeting or travel, even if his symptoms were mild. But… it’s possible to be asymptomatic and contagious, right? So, wouldn’t it be better to wear a mask?
Yes it is true. You may be contagious without realizing it.But now, he points out that the speed is slow in the United States and other countries. Dr. Jill Weatherhead, Assistant Professor of Adult and Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Baylor College of Medicine. That means being asymptomatic and potentially contagious, as well as being less likely to catch the novel coronavirus, she says.
However, all those interviewed emphasized that wearing a mask if you are not feeling well is a way to be a good citizen and to protect others if you contract the virus or another virus. are doing.
“Be nice and stay home,” advises Baker. “Hopefully [that’s] Here’s what we learned from this, says Weatherhead.
How about wearing a mask to protect yourself? Is it still recommended for certain settings?
Okay, let’s do a little backup. During the pandemic surge, we were urged to stack up on many preventative measures such as vaccines, boosters, masks, avoiding crowds and hand washing. And in the early days, I remember scrubbing mail and groceries. We mistakenly thought that contracting the virus by touching a contaminated object was a big risk.?
If community transmission is low, health experts say, it can start shedding some of that layer.
Interviewees stressed that masks still provide protection. When deciding whether to wear a mask, Doctor.Preeti Marani “I personally think about air circulation and distance and distance from people.” She is an infectious disease specialist at the University of Michigan. According to the CDC, the longer you are in contact with someone with COVID-19, the greater your risk of contracting it.
Summing up, Marani said about masks: “It’s a personal decision about how much risk you’re willing to take. If the infection rate goes up, so does the benefit of masks,” Marani said. I feel it,” he said. It is acceptable not to wear a mask, knowing that others may feel differently. ”
Truveta’s Charlotte Baker adds a few cautions about masks. If you are at risk of serious illness, we recommend choosing a mask in crowded environments. Alternatively, she thinks wearing a mask might be recommended for people at airports and other transportation hubs. She says she doesn’t know where all the passengers have been. On airplanes, the improved air circulation system introduced during the pandemic offers some protection. However, if the passenger next to you is sneezing or coughing, you may consider wearing a mask. That’s why Baker suggests always carrying a mask, hanging from your wrist in case you decide to wear one on the spur of the moment.
Our sources recommend that you don’t worry about being out of sync with others and do what you think is appropriate for your situation. Don’t be ashamed of being the only person in the room wearing a mask.
Also keep in mind that COVID-19 could surge again. This temperature can spike during the hot months when many people stay indoors in air-conditioned comfort. The same goes for winter, when people tend to stay home due to the cold. Therefore, there may continue to be times when masks and other precautions are recommended again.
Now that many public and private data sources are no longer trackable, how do we monitor COVID-19 levels in our communities or travel destinations?
In the United States, since the public health emergency ended on May 11, states are no longer required to report new coronavirus data, such as the number of cases, to federal agencies.some people like Maryland and texas Public health sites provide up-to-date information and may characterize infection rates as low, moderate, or high. Other areas, such as Illinois, do not. To find a specific state, try searching for “public health” and “coronavirus” and the state name. National information is provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Weekly updates on hospitalizations and deaths. The World Health Organization provides up-to-date information worldwide.this is their enter the pagefor example.
Are outdoor gatherings safer than indoors?
That’s right, says Dr. Malani. For respiratory viruses like SARS-CoV-2, “outdoors are very safe.” This is because COVID-19 is mainly transmitted from person to person among close contacts. The virus is spread through respiratory droplets from the lungs, mouth, and nose, and talking, coughing, breathing, and sneezing releases droplets into the air. In poorly ventilated indoor spaces, the virus can remain in the air for minutes to hours. But outside, there’s always fresh air, and the droplets move with it, so you’re less likely to inhale enough droplets to catch the virus. ”
What do high-risk people (or even normal people) think about shopping in crowded stores, going to indoor concerts, and going to the gym?
“In these spaces, the amount of close-up exposure tends to be less,” Malani says. If you are concerned, we recommend shopping and exercising during off-peak hours. “Of these activities, indoor concerts are probably the most risky due to the long exposure.” [to other people]. The same concerns apply to other crowded indoor events. And Charlotte Baker reminds us that one of her positive outcomes of the pandemic is the introduction of video-streaming options for those uncomfortable with indoor events. Events and gatherings (While the number of cases is declining, live streams are likely to be declining as well).
Has COVID-19 become less likely to last longer since the start of the pandemic? If so, why?
We know the phenomenon of prolonged COVID-19 exists, but we still don’t know who is most at risk. One of the reassurances is that when local transmission is low, people are less likely to become fully infected with COVID-19, or develop a long-lasting COVID-19 infection, than during spikes. That’s it. Getting vaccinated and boosted, as well as additional layers of protection, such as masks, reduce the risk of contracting the virus.
Is there current guidance in place for those in contact with children? When should children be quarantined and sent home from school, and when should families at risk leave their homes? do you want?
Advice for children is much the same as advice for adults.
“The standard practice for respiratory viruses other than COVID-19 is to stay home without fever-reducing drugs until 24 hours after fever subsides and symptoms improve,” it said. . Dr. Michael Chang, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Physician at UTHealth Houston and Children’s Memorial Hermann. “People who test positive for COVID-19 should follow the following:” CDC guidance This includes 5 days of isolation and wearing masks if others are present, then 5 more days of wearing masks after exiting isolation. ”
Dr. Weatherhead also recommends making sure children are “up to date on eligible vaccines and boosters.”
I and people I know who have not yet had COVID-19 and who have been vaccinated and boosted but who are at very high risk like me and have almost all risk issues. I’m worried about Am I expected to remain mostly quarantined, or just wear a mask everywhere, or just go back to normal life and hope for the best?
Dr. Marani recommends that anyone feeling anxious talk to their healthcare provider to guide them on what to do to manage their risks. In general, finding low-risk activities (for example, small gatherings, well-ventilated spaces, outdoor activities, etc.) is a way to travel while balancing the need for safety and social participation.
Fran Critz is a Washington, DC-based health policy reporter and regular contributor to NPR. she also washington post and verywell health. Find her on Twitter: @fkritz
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