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What explains the high coronavirus prevalence among children in Florida?


Of all the COVID-19 numbers released by the Florida Department of Health, one number could come as the main scratcher. Pediatric report..

On the other hand, the overall positive rate in Florida is Currently 18.1%..

What can you do? Are children really getting the virus at a higher rate than adults?

Say unlikely Megan DelaneyHead of Pathology and Laboratory at Children’s National Hospital, Washington DC

That high number may be surprising, but Delaney says there are some possible explanations.

One is that so far, children have not been a major focus of testing. Second, the child being tested is often the child who shows symptoms of the disease.

It has been the focus of tests available to the elderly and those with underlying illnesses, especially at times and places where access to the tests is difficult.

As a result, fewer children have been tested and adolescents tested for coronavirus more often test positive.

“If we haven’t tested a lot of people, we tend to test sick people first, which can lead to higher rates,” Delaney says. “It’s not like 31% of 100% of state children [of Florida] There is a COV ID. It’s a reflection that 31% of sick children will probably have a COVID. “

And Florida isn’t the only one looking at such numbers. Delaney said the region also had a similarly high prevalence among children tested for the virus earlier this year.

In late March, children’s citizens Open A drive-up test site that only tests children. According to Delaney, the site has been in operation for months, and the tested children may have a higher prevalence rate.

Natalie DeanBiostatisticians at the University of Florida are considered to have a high prevalence in Florida because children are often not tested unless they have clear symptoms of the virus or have been exposed to known cases.

“Not to mention the procedure, the child must sit still and insert a cotton swab over his nose,” she adds.

The Florida Department of Health did not respond to multiple NPR requests for insight into the numbers.

So what, so far, does the data generally teach about children and coronaviruses?

Obviously, children are infected with the virus, but are less likely to experience a serious illness than adults.

According to the above state data Dashboard Created by an epidemiologist at the University of South Florida Jason SalemiResidents of Florida, under the age of 19, make up about 10% of all cases in the state, but only 1.6% of all hospital stays, with four deaths.

Some children infected with coronavirus cause a multisystem inflammatory syndrome in their children, or MIS-C – It’s rare. The Florida Pediatrics Report contains 13 known cases of MIS-C in the state.

If you think your child has COVID-19, it’s worth testing them, according to Delaney. “Knowing that you are positive changes things. It helps contact tracers track and find other people, which helps prevent future infections.”

She adds that it is important to test people of all ages to control the virus. “Florida should be honored for testing many children, and it should keep testing many children and many adults, that’s how we find out where this virus is , And help them stay away and not become contagious,” she says. “It’s one of our main tools to fight the pandemic now.”

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