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Chad government threatens to expel US troops as Russia expands influence in Africa

Chad government threatens to expel US troops as Russia expands influence in Africa



The United States risks losing its military presence in another African country as Chad's government sent a letter threatening to end a crucial security agreement, according to four U.S. sources, a move that threatens to cede more American influence in the region to Russia.

In a letter sent last week to the U.S. defense attaché, Chadian officials threatened to rescind the Status of Forces Agreement, or SOFA, which determines the rules and conditions under which U.S. military personnel can operate in the country. Although the letter does not directly order the U.S. military to leave Chad, officials told CNN that it asserts that all U.S. forces should leave the French base in NDjamena.

The letter specifically mentioned the U.S. Special Operations Task Force (SOTF) at the base, an important hub for U.S. special operations forces in the region, two of the sources said. But this task force is not the only contingent of American soldiers present on the base, since all American soldiers in Chad are based in NDjamena.

Instead, the letter came from Chad's chief of air staff, Idriss Amine, the intelligence sources said, an unusual way of conveying such an important message. The letter was typed in French, one of Chad's official languages, and written on official Amine letterhead.

The letter was not sent through official diplomatic channels, according to one of the officials, which is the standard way such matters are handled. Both sources warned that the letter could be a negotiating tactic by the Chadian government to obtain a new agreement that would better promote their interests.

The exact number of U.S. troops in the country is unclear, but a U.S. official said there were fewer than 100.

CNN has requested comment from the Chadian government.

The move comes just a month after the military government of neighboring Niger ended its agreement with the US military allowing US personnel to operate in the country.

One of the sources told CNN that Chadian leaders were following Niger's lead, trying to use the opportunity to extract more concessions from the United States. But the official said Chad's threat to end the SOFA deal had blindsided U.S. officials.

The move comes at a critical time for U.S. interests in Africa, as U.S. officials have warned that Russian influence is expanding across the continent.

Marine Corps Gen. Michael Langley, head of U.S. Africa Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee in March that Russia was trying to seize central Africa as well as the Sahel at an accelerating pace. .

(A) number of countries are on the verge of being captured by the Russian Federation as they spread some of their false narratives through Libya and, from a strategic response, access and influence across the entire Maghreb, Langley said. This is the southern flank of NATO. We must be able to maintain our access and influence throughout the Maggreb, from Morocco to Libya.

At a separate hearing with the House Armed Services Committee last month, Langley said Central African countries faced a dilemma, needing development assistance from countries like Russia and China, but balancing these needs with risks to national sovereignty.

In this region, the stakes are high, Langley said.

Langley traveled to Chad in January of this year alongside AFRICOM Senior Advisor Sgt. Major Michael Woods. While in the country, Langley met with Chadian military leaders, including Gen. Abakar Abdelkerim Daoud, chief of staff of Chad's armed forces, according to an AFRICOM press release at the time.

Langley said in the statement that AFRICOM remains committed to building lasting partnerships with Chad and other African countries.




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