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Congress on the “Aurangzeb” coup of Narendra Modi against Rahul Gandhi: mischievous twists and turns | Latest news India

Congress on the “Aurangzeb” coup of Narendra Modi against Rahul Gandhi: mischievous twists and turns |  Latest news India


Reacting to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's remark that Rahul Gandhi had insulted Indian kings but remained silent on atrocities committed by sultans, nawabs and nizams, the Congress on Sunday alleged that the BJP stalwart “maliciously misrepresents » every statement made by the Wayanad MP.

Congress leader Jairam Ramesh (PTI file photo)
Congress leader Jairam Ramesh (PTI file photo)

In a strongly worded remark, Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh asserted that Prime Minister Narendra Modi wanted to stir up communal passions in India.

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“He maliciously and maliciously twists every statement of Rahul Gandhi to inflame, incite and inflame communal prejudices and passions,” he wrote on X.

Jairam Ramesh said PM Modi's remark showed that his departure was inevitable. He said his campaign speeches were shameful.

“His (Modi's) exit is inevitable and his realization is making him more and more desperate. His campaign speeches are truly shameful,” Ramesh added.

What PM Modi had said in Karnataka

Speaking in Belagavi, PM Modi claimed that Rahul Gandhi called Indian leaders atyachari or oppressive. He said the Congress was looking at India's history from the perspective of appeasement and bank votes.

Also read: Narendra Modi's 'Aurangzeb' attack on Rahul Gandhi: Not a word against the nawabs, nizams…

Prime Minister Modi said Rahul Gandhi had insulted iconic Indian leaders like Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Kittur Rani Channamma, PTI reported.

“He (Gandhi) accused them (rajas and maharajas) of usurping the lands and properties of the people and the poor. The Congress shehzade insulted great personalities like Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Kittur Rani Channamma, whose administration and patriotism still inspires us today,” added the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Modi said Rahul Gandhi made the remark to promote appeasement. He said he never spoke about the atrocities committed by nawabs, nizams, sultans and badshahs.

Shehzade spoke ill of rajas, maharajas but Shahzade's mouth was closed regarding the 'atrocities' that the nawabs, nizams, sultans and badshahs committed in the history of India. His mouth was closed on them, but on the rajas, the maharajas, he speaks evil and insults them,” he added.

Also read: Narendra Modi in BJP bastion Karnataka: Check the party's success record in 2019 and 2014 Lok Sabha elections

He said Gandhi did not remember Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, who destroyed Indian temples.

“He (Aurangzeb) has impure a number of our temples and destroyed them. The Congress happily makes alliances with parties that praise Aurangzeb. It does not remember the people who destroyed our places of worship , indulged in cow killing remember the nawab who played a role in the partition of India.

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Meanwhile, at another rally in Karnataka. Prime Minister Modi said those who refused the invitation to the Ram temple event in Ayodhya will be rejected by the people of India in the Lok Sabha elections.




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