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Prince Harry now officially resides in the United States, documents show

Prince Harry now officially resides in the United States, documents show


The document filed with Britain's companies registrar, Companies House, on Wednesday contained just a few lines. But its purpose was to officially update the country of residence of a certain Prince Henry Charles Albert David, Duke of Sussex, otherwise known as Prince Harry.

For years, Harry and his American wife, Meghan, have called California home. The document updates the British king's residence in the United States for official records of his company Travalyst Limited, a non-profit sustainable travel initiative.

The paperwork was just a bureaucratic formality. But it underlines how far Harry, 39, has come from his days as a central member of the royal family in the country of his birth to a very different life with his wife and children in California. It also comes at a time of turmoil for the House of Windsor.

Harry and Meghan moved to Montecito, California, after stepping back from royal duties in 2020, amid a rift with the royal family.

Prince Harry said in February that he was considering becoming a US citizen, telling ABC's Good Morning America: “It's a thought that has crossed my mind, but it's not a priority for me right now.” moment.

But there had been little official confirmation of Harry's residency status until this week. The filing says the change of residence dates from June 29, 2023, the day Buckingham Palace confirmed the couple had moved out of Frogmore Cottage, their British residence. Queen Elizabeth II gifted the house to the couple when they married in 2018.

It's unclear exactly what type of U.S. visa or residence permit Harry holds, despite efforts by conservative activists in the United States to verify them, including an ongoing lawsuit. He may be eligible for a green card thanks to his marriage to Meghan, a US citizen. Immigration lawyers have pointed out that he may also be eligible for an A-1 diplomatic visa, available to members of a ruling royal family.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative research institute, launched a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security in June 2023 to view documents related to Harry's visa, claiming the group had the right to view them as part of 'a search to determine whether his application for residency should have taken place. was rejected due to previous drug use.

Harry, fifth in line to the British throne, wrote in Spare, his 2023 memoir, that he had used cocaine and other drugs in the past. Last month, former President Donald J. Trump told the right-wing British television network GB News that he would take appropriate action if Harry was found to have lied on a visa application.

The Heritage Foundation had sought these documents specifically to investigate how the prince was admitted, as some visas require applicants to answer questions about past drug use and violations of the law.

The Department of Homeland Security refused to make these documents public when requested last year, saying there was no public interest in disclosing them enough to outweigh the subjects' personal interests. .

But last month, a federal judge ordered the department to submit documents related to Harry's visa to the court for review, to determine whether they should be released under the Freedom of Information Act.

Back in Britain, the royal family is going through a tumultuous time, with King Charles III and Catherine, Princess of Wales both revealing cancer diagnoses earlier this year, and few other members of the royal family available to perform public functions.

On Thursday, Prince William's husband Catherine and Harry's older brother attended his first royal engagement since his wife announced last month that she was being treated for cancer.




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