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UK, US sanctions key Iranian military personnel and organizations following Israeli attack

UK, US sanctions key Iranian military personnel and organizations following Israeli attack


Today (Thursday 18 April) the UK sanctioned a further seven individuals and six entities for helping Iran carry out destabilizing regional activities, including direct attacks against Israel.

This is in addition to more than 400 sanctions already imposed on Iran. Previous sanctions included the entire Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and many others responsible for attacks on Israel.

On April 14, in response to Iran's dangerous direct attacks on Israel, key Iranian military figures were sanctioned in a coordinated package with the United States. The UK and US have also announced a range of sanctions aimed at tightening the net against key actors in Iran's drone fleet. The vehicle (UAV) and missile industries further limit Iran's ability to destabilize the region.

The Foreign Secretary announced these sanctions at the G7 Foreign Ministers' meeting in Capri, where the UK and its allies reaffirmed their support for Israel's security and the security of all regional partners.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said:

The Iranian regime's attack on Israel was a reckless act and a dangerous escalation.

Today we sanctioned the Iranian ringleaders and forces responsible for the weekend attacks.

These sanctions announced together with the United States demonstrate that we unequivocally condemn these actions, which will further limit Iran's ability to destabilize the region.

Foreign Secretary David Cameron said:

Iran's decision to launch hundreds of drones and missiles against Israel at a time of heightened tensions in the Middle East poses a serious risk of causing thousands of civilian casualties and regional escalation.

The sanctions announced today together with the United States demonstrate our unequivocal condemnation of Iran's attacks on sovereign nations.

MSC Aries and her crew must be released immediately, and Iran must cease its reckless and unlawful actions. Further escalation is in no one's interest.

Britain has condemned Iran's dangerous attacks on sovereign countries, which have further heightened tensions in the Middle East and further isolated Iran on the world stage. Today's designation comes under Britain's new Iran sanctions regime, which allows the UK to target hostile actions by Iran.

Additional sanctions have been imposed on:

Armed Forces General Staff: Commands and coordinates the Iranian military. Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy: One of two Iranian naval forces Katemolanbia Central Command (KCHQ): Responsible for operational command and control of the Iranian military. Major General Golmali Rashid, KCHQ Commander: Responsible for operational command and control of the Iranian Armed Forces and reports directly to Supreme Leader Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani. Minister of Defense Logistics: Minister of Defense of Iran, responsible for providing support and equipment to the Iranian military. Seid Mir Ahmad Nooshin, Director of Aerospace Industry Organization (AIO) and 4 other AIO officials

Sanctioned individuals face travel bans and asset freezes. The company is subject to an asset freeze.

The IRGC Navy was involved in the seizure of the civilian vessel MSC Aries in international waters and threatened military action against Israel. Britain has continued to call for the immediate release of the ship and its crew.

In 2023 alone, the UK made 154 new designations. The UK continues to tighten its net against actors linked to the Iranian UAV and missile industries. Last year, the UK introduced trade measures banning the export of certain UAV parts and services to Iran. The UK has also designated various companies involved in the production of Iranian UAVs, including the Shahed-131 and Shahed-136 drone models that Iran supplied to Russia. These types of drones were also used by Iran in attacks against Israel.

The UK continues to work closely with its G7 partners as they consider further steps to hold the Iranian regime to account.


Here is the full list of those subject to action in the UK today:

Armed Forces General Staff: Commands and coordinates the Iranian Armed Forces Katemolanbia Central Command (KCHQ): Responsible for the operational command and control of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Gholamali Rashid, Commander KCHQ: Responsible for the operational command and control of the Iranian Armed Forces, reports directly to Supreme Leader Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani, Minister of Defense Logistics: Iran's Minister of Defense, responsible for supporting and equipping the Iranian Armed Forces Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy: 1 of 2 Iranian Navy Seid Mir Ahmad Nooshin: Director, Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) Nader Khoon Siavash: Director, AIO Mohammad Gholami: Senior AIO official Sayyed Javad Musavi: Commercial Director, Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG), a subsidiary of AIO Amir Radfar: Director, Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group (SBIG), subsidiary of AIO Mahtabal: In the UAV industry. Participation Aseman Pishraneh Engineering Services Company: Participation in the UAV Industry Sarmad Electronic Sepahan Company: Participation in the UAV Industry

Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) is the main industrial subsidiary of Iran's Ministry of Defense Logistics, responsible for missile production. AIO, SBIG and SHIG have already been sanctioned by the UK for activities related to Iran's nuclear programme.

The UK Government is working with a range of partners and will continue to use all its tools to protect individuals in the UK from threats from the Iranian state.

The Government continually assesses potential threats to the UK and takes the protection of the rights, freedoms and safety of individuals wherever they arise very seriously.

Today's sanctions package was announced in accordance with the new Iran (Sanctions) Regulations 2023, which came into effect in December 2023.

The regime includes measures designed to target individuals and organizations, including designating powers, designed to prevent the Iranian government or the armed groups it supports from carrying out hostile activities against the UK or other countries.

Today's sanctions on Iranian UAVs and ballistic missiles are based on export controls under the Export Control Order 2008, which requires UK exporters wishing to export these items to obtain a license from the Joint Directorate for Export Control.

The addition of trade sanctions means Britons, wherever they are in the world, will also be banned from facilitating trade in these items by brokering the sale or supply of these items, providing financial services or funding for the trade or repairing their products. item.

Britain also maintains an arms embargo on Iran and measures targeting its ballistic missile production.

asset freeze

An asset freeze prevents UK citizens or businesses in the UK from handling funds or economic resources owned, held or controlled by a named person. It also prevents funds or economic resources from being provided to or for the benefit of a named person. UK financial sanctions apply to everyone within UK territory and waters and to all British citizens anywhere in the world.

Travel prohibited

A travel ban means that a designated person must be refused leave to enter or remain in the UK if that person is an excluded person under section 8B of the Immigration Act 1971.




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