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Codsworth Origin and Familiar Voice Actor, Explained

Codsworth Origin and Familiar Voice Actor, Explained


THE To fall The TV show features many familiar actors, like Ella Purnell in her lead role as Lucy or Walter Goggins as The Ghoul. However, one of these actors may be more unknown to others than to me, so I'm here to tell you about Matt Berry and Codsworth's origin story.

For those who have played To fall games, Codsworth is not a new character. He first appeared in Fallout 4 as the personal robot of the protagonist's family, you know, before nuclear war broke out. He then wandered the neighborhood for 200 years, only to cross paths with the player again when he awoke from cryogenic stasis and left Vault 111 in search of his long-stolen son.

So, as a long-time player of the To fall games, when I heard Codsworth's name on the TV show, my ears perked up. When I noticed the voice, Codsworth quickly became one of my favorite short-lived characters.

Then, later in the series, something is revealed that has never entered the vast lore of To fall before Codsworth's origin story. Well, at the very least, the origin story of his voice.

Fallout TV show spoilers follow.

What is Codsworth's origin story To fall?

Codsworth in the Fallout TV series
Screenshot via Prime

For this to make sense, we also need to get into The Ghoul's origin story. Before he lost his nose and started wandering the Wasters, he was actually Cooper Howard, husband of one of the leaders of Vault-Tecs and also a movie star who, naturally, had many other movie star friends .

One of these friends, Sebastian Leslie, is revealed during season one, episode six, to be none other than the voice behind Bartholemew Codsworth. After humorously speaking to Cooper's character, Sebastian goes on to explain that the future is not in movies, but rather in products.

It turns out that the character of Bartholomew Codsworth was actually one that Sebastian had previously played. When the company responsible for creating the Codsworth line of Mr. Handy robots, Rob-Co, purchased the rights from the movie studio that made the film, they were then able to use Sebastian's voice for their product.

He wasn't paid very well for the chance to become a household name as a robot, but on the plus side, he was rewarded with his own Codsworth to greet him in his own voice every time he came home. his home. I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse.

Who voices Codsworth in the To fall TV show?

Matt Berry as Sebastian Leslie in the Fallout television series
Screenshot via Prime

When I first heard Codsworth's voice, I recognized it immediately. Matt Berry is one of my favorite British actors, having starred in quintessentially British sitcoms like The IT crowd And The mighty Boosh. Being British myself, I grew up seeing his face and hearing his very recognizable voice.

If you come from distant shores, you probably know him from What we do in the shadowsin which he plays Laszlo Craven, or Disenchantment, in which he gives the voice of Prince Merkimer. It is also the voice of Bubbles the dolphin in The Sponge Bob Movie: Sponge Out of Water.

In addition to acting, Matt Berry is also an accomplished musician who plays all of his own instruments in addition to drums, and a talented comedian, making him perfect for the role of a robot with lines like I'll just harvest your organs.

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