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Xi Jinping's climate change envoy warns US, Europe their efforts could block fight against global warming

Xi Jinping's climate change envoy warns US, Europe their efforts could block fight against global warming


China's special envoy for climate change, Liu Zhenminwarned that attempts by the United States and Europe to curb China's dominance in green technology could hamper the global fight against climate change.

What happened: Zhenmin, a seasoned diplomat, was appointed by the president Xi Jinping in January to represent China on climate issues. He worries that US and EU strategies could delay the global transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. reported Bloomberg.

“We need to keep costs low, otherwise no one will be able to afford the energy transition,” Liu said in an interview. “What concerns me is that if the United States and the European Union continue to insist on this approach, it would cause a delay in the substitution of fossil fuels with renewable energy on a global scale.”

He stressed the importance of keeping costs low for the energy transition, citing a potential $6 trillion increase in global energy transition costs if countries rely on technologies made outside of China.

“So Liu has the difficult task of not only having these conversations internationally, but also mobilizing support and resources domestically. » Yao Zheglobal policy advisor for Greenpeace East Asia in Beijing.

Zhenmin also highlighted significant reductions in the costs of clean energy equipment, batteries and electric vehicles thanks to China's business boom.

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“Coal will be difficult to eliminate completely, but we need to ensure that coal can be used in a cleaner way,” according to Liu.

Despite these concerns, Zhenmin remains optimistic about China's ability to achieve its climate goals and sees potential for collaboration between the United States and China to lead global action.

Why is this important: This warning from China's climate envoy comes at a time when the US and EU are stepping up efforts to reduce Chinese dominance in the green technology sector.

This is clear from recent EU investigations into clean energy and electric vehicles, as well as warnings issued by the US Treasury Secretary. Janet Yellen on China's overcapacity and record exports of cheap solar equipment and lithium-ion batteries.

China's stance on climate change and its efforts to transition to clean energy are closely linked to its international relations. Zhenmin's warning follows President Xi's recent European tour, during which he sought to strengthen economic ties with the EU amid growing tensions with the United States.

It also comes after Xi assured US business leaders of a brighter future for China-US relations, despite ongoing challenges.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has raised concerns that China's support for the Russian military during recent U.S.-China negotiations could strain efforts to repair relations between the two countries.

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