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Team GB fashion through the ages

Team GB fashion through the ages


The evolution of Olympic attire has certainly come a long way since Queenie Newall won archery gold in her favorite petticoat.

And even though the styles have changed, the importance of what it means has never changed to those who follow.

Although the class of Paris 2024 won't be sewing badges onto their tracksuits, as the London 1948 team did, Olympic gear has always been just as prized and valuable.

In a world of marginal gains, kit can make all the difference and remember the adage: if you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good, you play well.

In 2016, more than 48,000 pieces of equipment were distributed to our athletes en route to Rio, including 3,444 sneakers, 7,396 pairs of socks, 2,845 bags and 1,545 caps.

Style is important in this business – check out Team GB's straw boaters for the opening ceremony in 1996 or these pale blue satin mini dresses at Munich 1972.

When American javelin thrower Mildred Didrikson won gold in 1932, she didn't take off her cardigan, and the winner of the first Olympic marathon in 1896, Greece's Spyridon Louis, even wore an ornately embroidered vest.

But when it comes to style gold, British tennis star Evelyn Colyer is on the top step of the podium, having won her bronze medal in 1924. From cloche hat to inspired cream jacket from Chanel, this is a look that's sure to take a beating.

As we count down to this summer's Olympics, we're taking a look back at some of Team GB's most memorable summer styles.

Simple and classic, this was the kit worn by Harold Abrahams and Eric Liddell at the “Chariots of Fire” Games.

A bright white shirt embroidered with the waving Union flag, think of that opening scene from the Oscar-winning film, as the British athletics team splashed across the soggy sand. Cue music.

A splash of red and blue was added, with the hoops being featured on every Olympic kit until Seoul 1988. Harold Whitlock, one of four British gold medalists at these Games, wore it until the victory in the 50km walk – a huge British flag occupying prime real estate at the center of the chest. Patriotic stuff.

In the days after the war, Olympic equipment was valued for more than one reason.

“My Olympic uniform was the smartest thing I owned,” said Lorna Lee-Price, Team GB long jumper. “I even wore it to my sister’s wedding.

Dorothy Tyler, who won silver in the high jump, 12 years after winning the same medal in Berlin, said: “I remember being annoyed at having to buy our own socks, which used two ration coupons. ”

With his '70s medallion necklace and sensational touch, is it possible to be more Olympic cool than swimming gold medalist David Wilkie? And check out this retro red tracksuit. There may be more hipster Olympians, but it's hard to think of just one.

Now it's a swimsuit…the flags, the official pictogram and what about those towels?

Margaret Kelly celebrates after winning silver in the 4x100m medley relay, this retro look is a wardrobe winner.

With temperatures soaring, Team GB officials have decided to make a radical change for these Games… the string vest.

This classic adidas design – modeled by decathlon gold medalist Daley Thompson – featured an Airtex design to keep our stars cool in the white heat of competition. Functional and trendy.

The stylized Union Flag makes this kit a retro winner – think Sally Gunnel, think Linford Christie, think the Searle brothers, think Redgrave and Pinsent and think Chris Boardman thundering around the velodrome.

As nostalgic tracksuits go, these go straight into the medal race.

It's not a vintage Games in the medal table, but Team GB is still dressed to impress. Pinsent and Redgrave sported this new red, white and blue jersey as they won gold in pairs rowing to extend their unbeaten run to five years.

It was also the first time the British Olympic Association's new lion branding was on display.

And everyone wore their tracksuits a few sizes too big back then, as shown by Tim Henman and his doubles silver medalist tennis partner Neil Broad.

The new millennium and blue was most certainly the color of the Cool Britannia era.

It was the first time the traveling athletes had been known as 'Team GB' and the 300-strong team won 11 golds among their 28 medals thanks to the early impact of lottery funding.

The all-blue kit, with subtle flashes of white and red, certainly gave Britain some very good G'days in Oz.

Mark Lewis-Francis won gold in the relay over the line while Kelly Holmes completed the middle distance double – this kit was definitely a success.

White is back as the dominant color and what about the tracksuit… now it's worth a photo.

Don't doubt who Team GB were if you saw them coming.

For the first time, 'Great Britain' appeared on competition kit, with a predominantly blue and white design from long-time partner adidas.

And what about the red, white and blue helmet of Chris Hoy, who won three gold medals on these red-hot pedals.

Home Games require something different, a bit of high fashion for high stakes, which is why Team GB tapped designer Stella McCartney to produce this iconic kit.

The uniforms were intended to capture “what makes Britain British” with a spectacular launch at the Tower of London.

“I wanted the kit to be British, but understated, not ridiculous,” said McCartney, whose design featured a multi-colored rendering of the Union flag.

65 medals and one Super Saturday later and the kit had become an instant classic.

I have so many incredibly proud memories from 2012,” McCartney said. “I remember every front page of the newspapers and how incredible the athletes looked in their kit.

Stella McCartney returned to the Rio Games and she delivered another winning look.

In addition to the technology and refreshing fabrics of the clothing, a new crest is inspired by the symbols of the four nations that make up Team GB and Olympic iconography.

Coats of arms are all around us in Britain. It's so much a part of us that we barely notice it, but it's so quintessentially British, McCartney said.

I think we have one of the most beautiful flags in the world, so I wanted to use it as much as possible.”

The motto on the new coat of arms translated as Joining the medal table in one second with 67 medals, Team GB have certainly kept their promise.

Presentation… of your kit for Paris 2024.

All athletes share a passion for their sport, but that internal fire burns brightest during major international tournaments.

In Paris, adidas will capture the flame that burns within every athlete through impactful fonts and detailed graphics that will feature on all apparel created for its 15 officially sponsored teams; meaning there is no international unifier like passion for sport.

To express the athletes' fire, the kit's graphics, font and all-over print use a repeating line pattern that is brought to life with pops of color, expressing the roaring passion that is ready to emerge in the heat of competition .

Sports beat 2024




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