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Building for the future of AI

Building for the future of AI


Editor's note: Today, Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai shared a number of structural changes to improve speed and execution across the company. His memo to employees is below.

Hello, Googlers.

The great Cloud Next was born. Congratulations again to everyone involved. We're pleased to be recognized for our leading AI tools and infrastructure, and how our customers are using them. We are excited to see further developments during next Thursday's earnings call. Today, I'd like to share some changes we've made across the company to simplify decision-making and work better and faster.

The background to the four parts of the change is as follows. 1. Models and research. 2. Responsible AI; 3. Platforms and devices. 4. Mission first. It's a long note, but I'd like you to see all the evidence.

These changes continue the work we've done over the past year to simplify structure, improve speed and execution, and help accelerate Gemini models, including merging Google Research's Brain and DeepMind teams. Ta. Integrate your ML infrastructure and team of ML developers for faster decisions, smarter compute allocation, and better customer experiences. And unite the search team under his one leader.

– Thunder

Cutting-edge basic models and research

Last year, we brought together the Google Brain team, DeepMind, and other researchers focused specifically on creating increasingly capable and versatile AI systems to form Google DeepMind.

The progress in just one year is amazing, and the Gemini model is considered a leader and continues to improve. And with our successive advances, we are on the path to providing the most advanced, secure, and responsible AI in the world.

Now, to accelerate this progress, we planned to combine teams focused on building models across Research and Google DeepMind. All of this work is stored in Google DeepMind, expanding our ability to deliver powerful AI to our users, partners, and customers. This streamlines development by centralizing compute-intensive model building in one place and establishing a single point of access for PAs looking to acquire these models and build generative AI applications. Simplified.

With this change, Google Research now has three main areas that are directly tied to Google's mission: computing systems (including quantum), fundamental ML and algorithms, and basic and applied computer science research in applied science and society. We were also given a clear and unambiguous mandate to continue investing in. Fundamental computer science research is in our DNA, and we have some of the world's best computer scientists. We wouldn't be where we are today without the researchers who developed the foundation on which all of Google's products are built, and who are now inventing the foundation of our future.

I can't wait to see what these teams accomplish with their new formations. Mr. James will continue to oversee Google Research in a role that spans Research, Tech & Society, and Labs, with Mr. Yossi as the dedicated leader reporting to him. James and Demis will continue to work closely together, and Google DeepMind and Google Research will continue to collaborate.

Responsibility and safety

We are a long-standing leader in building and deploying responsible AI. Over the last year, we have worked with other companies on a series of measures to develop AI safely and responsibly.

We need to be best-in-class at deploying accurate, reliable, and transparent AI products for our users and customers. To help with this, we're changing the way responsible AI teams work at critical points in the development cycle.

We were moving our responsible AI team in research to Google DeepMind to be closer to building and scaling models. We recently moved other responsible teams into a central trust and safety team, where we are further investing in AI testing and evaluation. These changes create and strengthen clearer responsibility and accountability at all levels when building and deploying feedback loops between models, products, and users.

Beyond these changes, our team is working hard to improve our processes and is making good progress. We standardized launch requirements for AI-powered capabilities, increased investment in red team testing of vulnerabilities, and enhanced extensive assessments to ensure responses are accurate and responsive. to the user's prompt. This is important ongoing work.

Computing platforms and devices

AI gives us an incredible opportunity to reimagine computing platforms for the next decade and make Android, Chrome, Search, Photos, and many other products more useful to people around the world.

To truly advance computing, we need to do it at the intersection of hardware, software, and AI. So we're formalizing the collaboration between DSPA and P&E, bringing the teams together into a new PA called Platforms & Devices. Google Research teams focused on computational photography and on-device intelligence will also join the new organization to provide deep AI expertise across platforms and devices.

Having a unified team across platforms and devices helps us deliver quality products and experiences to our users and partners. This helps accelerate Android and Chromeecosystems and bring the best innovations to our partners faster, like we did with Circle to Search with Samsung. It also speeds up decision-making internally.

Rick will oversee all of PA, and Sameer will be responsible for leading the entire Android ecosystem. Hiroshi, who has been instrumental in the growth of Android, Chrome, ChromeOS, G1, and Photos, will advise on the transition as he begins work on several new projects across Alphabet. This includes piloting a new role as Executive Sponsor for Japan. Hiroshi and I have been discussing these changes for months, and I'm looking forward to watching him navigate this new set of challenges.

Our P&E and DSPA teams have made tremendous progress in recent years. Google One has surpassed his 100 million subscribers, Chrome is used by billions of people, Android now reaches 3 billion active devices and the number is growing. This enables a vibrant ecosystem of manufacturers, carriers, silicon makers like Qualcomm, and hundreds of thousands of developers who use this platform to compete in global markets. On top of that, our family of Pixel devices is growing steadily, helping to drive innovation and accelerate adoption of the latest Android and AI features across the ecosystem. It will be very interesting to see these teams join forces and enhance collaboration to benefit our users and partners.

mission first

One last thing to note. All of the changes referenced above will help us become more focused and clear on our mission. But we also need to be more focused on how we work, collaborate, debate, and even disagree. We have a vibrant, open discussion culture that allows us to build great products and turn great ideas into action. It is important to save. But ultimately we are a workplace and our policies and expectations are clear. This is a business, and this is not the place to disrupt your co-workers, make them feel unsafe, try to use the company as a personal platform, or do anything that makes your co-workers feel unsafe. Fighting over destructive issues and discussing politics. This is too important a moment for your company to be distracted.

We have an obligation to be an objective and reliable information provider serving all users worldwide. When we approach our work, our goal is to organize the world's information and make it accessible and useful to people around the world. It takes precedence over everything else, and we expect our actions to be focused on reflecting that.

thank you.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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