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How do we get older? Scientist gave a new explanation


Aging is a natural process that causes a gradual decline in parts of the body and the entire system. However, if you understand how the processes go, these processes can slow down. Group of American scientists at the University of California discovered Basic mechanisms of aging and developed genetic methods for prolonging lifespan. We will show how new research influences our knowledge of aging.

What is Scientifically Aging?

This is a natural biological process of destructive nature. Gradually, during aging, the work of the body is disturbed and its survival rate in the environment decreases. This leads to a limitation of the body’s general ability, the emergence of chronic diseases with aging, and an increased risk of death. In addition to physical deterioration, there is also a decline in mental capacity.

There are several factors that affect life expectancy: heredity, visceral and system status, socioeconomic status, and the degree of a person’s interest in maintaining vitality and health. Therefore, a person’s biological age does not necessarily match the year of living.

According to WHO recommendations, the following age categories are distinguished:

  • 45-59 years – average age
  • 60-74 years old-elderly.
  • 75-90 years old-senile.
  • Over 90 years-long term.

How many years can you live?

Scientists have discovered that human life is genetically unprogrammed for more than 150 years. Today, science faces the challenge of not only prolonging life, but improving its quality. Genetics and gerontologists believe that achieving this is very realistic.

Why do we get old?

For the accumulation of mutations
This is based on the fact that genes can change (mutate) and accumulate these changes throughout life. And since each gene has several functions (multifaceted), mutational changes are accompanied by changes in human physiological functions. Mutations occur for no reason and under the influence of various environmental factors (stress, infectious agents, etc.). This mechanism works at various stages of extinction. A person dies due to the accumulation of mutations.

Due to the toxic effects of free radicals
In this case, the cause of aging is a chemical process in which aggressive molecules with unpaired electrons are formed at the cellular level. Faced with other molecules, it removes the lost electrons and makes them neutral, but destroys other molecules.

The cause of human aging is associated with excess free radicals. Scientists have identified an enzyme (superoxide dismutase – SOD) that neutralizes free radicals. Its amount determines the rate of degradation with age. This theory is well established. But scientists are convinced that free radicals are not the only reason for their disappearance.

Due to the mechanism of apoptosis

In new organisms, cells of all types are rapidly updated, completely replacing dead cells. This is because each cell has a mechanism of apoptosis-self-destruction after a certain time.

However, in older people, this mechanism fails and the number of newly formed cells in the body is less than the number of dead cells, which leads to a general deterioration of the body. Apoptosis can be accelerated by cell damage. As a result, radiation damage to rapidly dividing stem cells (including bone marrow cells) increases the risk of developing a malignancy.

By telomere theory

The theory says that each cell’s nucleus contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, and the chromosomes are spirals with small tips at both ends – telomeres.

According to this theory, telomeres contract with each cell division and therefore most accurately determine a person’s biological age. The shorter the telomere, the longer it takes to leave the primary mother cell. This theory is very reliable, but it does not explain why neurons and muscle cells in mature organisms do not divide. Those telomeres do not change levels, but the cells age like other people.

Previously known, how does it age at the cellular level?

  • Cells that are prone to primary aging.
  • Cells where aging is an alloy of their age-related changes and external influences.
  • Cells in which aging in vivo is primarily secondary and indirect.

The first group should contain neurons, many connective tissue elements. Second – muscle fibers, glandogenic cells, liver, kidneys; third – epidermis, epithelium, etc. of many organs. The third group of cells is also characterized by their own age-related changes, but the rate and severity of regulatory changes precede these changes.

What have you learned about aging?

The new theory was proposed by molecular biologists and bioengineers at the University of California, San Diego. They studied the cellular processes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Scientists have used microfluidics and computer modeling methods to discover that about half of the cells age in the process of gradual loss of fusion stability. The other half of the cells develop dysfunction of the cell’s energy station, the mitochondria.

According to this study, yeast cells embark on one of the aging pathways from an early age and track their entire life. During the study, experts found that cells in the same environment with the same DNA can age in very different ways.

Scientists have sought to elucidate how decisions are made and aging follows them. They were able to discover the molecular circuit that controls this process. Then, using computer simulations, we reprogrammed this scheme to create another senescence pathway that extends cell lifespan.

Experts will continue to do similar studies with other cells and organisms, including human tissue.

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