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London-two new coronavirus cases in middle sex, one each in Elgin and Oxford, Sarnia and Lambton-London


Two new novels Coronavirus The case was reported on Sunday Middlesex in London.

Currently there are 664 total COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing There are 582 cases and 57 deaths in the area.

The number of recovery did not change for at least 3 days, with the last COVID-19-related death reported 6 weeks ago.

According to the Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU), both new cases on Sunday came from London, with a total of 614 now.

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In other areas, 24 cases of Strathoy-Caradoc, 12 cases of Middlesex Center, 6 cases of North Middlesex and Thames Center, and 1 case of Lucan Biddulph and Southwest Middlesex were reported.

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One of the new cases on Sunday is related to nursing homes.

According to the London Health Sciences Center (LHSC), B8 inpatient mental health outbreaks at Victoria Hospital remain active.

It was declared Friday after two LHSC employees tested positive for the virus.

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The test positive rate for the region was 0.1% as of the week of July 12, with updated data available. According to the Health Unit, this number is the same as it was two weeks ago.

The incidence of London and middle sex was 130.8 per 100,000 as of Sunday.

People in their 20s continue to be the largest age group in the region, accounting for 140 cases, or 21%, while people over the age of 80 account for 107 cases, or 16%.

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There are at least 27 outbreaks in the area, with 21 occurring in nursing homes and nursing homes. The facility accounts for at least 184 cases, including 37 deaths.

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Health professionals together account for almost a quarter of the total number of cases in the region.

St. Joseph’s Healthcare has not reported treatment for COVID-19 patients, but the London Health Sciences Center has not counted since June 10. COVID-19 will only be calculated if the number of patients exceeds 5.

At least 113 people had to be hospitalized for COVID-19, with the majority of those over the age of 50, approximately 90% being hospitalized.

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According to the Health Unit, at least 31 patients had to be admitted to the intensive care unit.

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Ontario is watching 137 news cases 58% of COVID-19 on Sunday are people under the age of 40.

As of Sunday morning, the government announced that 38,680 people have so far signed COVID-19. It has also been reported that four more people were killed, for a total of 2,763.

A total of 34,359 people recovered from the virus.

Public health departments in the Windsor Essex, Ottawa, Toronto and Peel areas reported a significant increase in the number of cases compared to other parts of the state.

Elgin and Oxford

Another person tested positive for COVID-19 as of Sunday, according to officials from Southwestern Public Health (SWPH).

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The number of recovery and deaths has not changed.

There are currently a total of 105 cases in the area, of which 82 have recovered and 5 have died.

SWPH has recorded at least one new coronavirus case each day for the past 9 days.

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There are at least 16 active cases, 6 in St. Thomas, 4 in Ayrmar, 3 in Bayham, 2 in Tilsonburg and 1 in Norwich.

St. Thomas had the highest number of cases in the region, 24. Woodstock continues with 17 cases, followed by Dutton/Dunwich and Tillsonburg with 9 cases each.

People in their 50s account for 25% of all cases, followed by those in their 60s at 15.2%.

SWPH has taken 14,471 tests to date and has 305 pending results. At least 0.7% of tests have returned positive.

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Coronavirus is an opportunity to make cities more equal and inclusive

Huron and Perth

Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH) staff does not issue updates on weekends.

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As of Friday, two new cases were reported and three recovered.

The total number of cases in the region was 63, of which 57 recovered and 5 died. The number of deaths has not changed since late April.

At least 26 cases were reported in Stratford during the pandemic, and four deaths were reported. This is related to a resolved outbreak at Greenwood Court, a long-term care facility, health officials say. The outbreak was declared in May.

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In Perth County, 18 cases have been reported, but in Huron County, 15 cases have been reported and 1 case is active.

Four cases have been reported in Saint Marys, including one death.

No admissions have been reported since April, according to the Health Unit.

At least 11,109 people have been tested as of Thursday. The number of pending tests is unclear.

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Coronavirus: US records 1,000 deaths associated with COVID-19 for four consecutive days

Sarnia and Lambton

For the first time in at least 4 days, there are new cases of COVID-19 occurring in the region.

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An official at Lambton Public Health (LPH) reported one new case at the end of Saturday with no new recovery or death.

This has brought the total number of cases in the region to 293, with 261 recovering and 25 dying.

According to Health Unit data, 7 cases remain active, 6 of which are located in Sarnia.

COVID-19 patients have not been treated at Blue Water Health Hospital in Sarnia as of Sunday. The hospital has not treated COVID-19 patients since June 14, and immediately closed its dedicated coronavirus treatment room.

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LPH officials say that 25% of COVID-19 cases are people over the age of 80. 16% of cases are between the ages of 50 and 59.

Health care workers make up 21% of the cases in the region.

At least 16,217 test results were received by the health unit late Saturday, with 1.8% returning to positive.

— Global News Maschu Levithic and Jessica Patton files

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©2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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