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Can walnuts in place of eggs or sausage for breakfast be good for your heart? Three experts explain latest study | Health and Wellness News

Can walnuts in place of eggs or sausage for breakfast be good for your heart? Three experts explain latest study | Health and Wellness News


Can replacing an egg with a handful of nuts some days during breakfast reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by up to 17 per cent? According to a recent review of studies, published in the UK journal BioMed Central (BMC), eating one less egg a day and substituting it with nuts could lower the risk of heart disease by 17 per cent, diabetes by 18 per cent and an early death by 15 per cent if replaced with 25 to 28 grams of nuts.

Of course, eggs are safe for your heart, and an egg a day is good enough for heart patients too. But the purpose of the research was to present an option for those who wouldn’t want to have an egg a day and build some diversity in their breakfast platters. The same research, while finding an egg equivalent, found no cardiovascular benefit of swapping fish, dairy and seafood with plant-based options.


Nuts, particularly walnuts, are packed with good or monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat, vitamins, antioxidants, key minerals, fibre and protein. Omega-3 fatty acids prevent erratic heart rhythms and blood clots. Arginine, an amino acid, produces nitric oxide that relaxes constricted blood vessels and eases blood flow.

“That’s why nuts boost good cholesterol, reduce inflammation, regulate blood sugar levels with slow-digesting fibre, burn up fat and help in weight management. In short, they minimise all risk factors for heart disease,” says Dr Pravin Kahale, Consultant, Cardiology, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai. “One ounce of almond can give you almost 15 grams of fat (80% monounsaturated, 15% polyunsaturated, and 5% saturated) while a similar amount of walnut yields 18.5 gm of fat, most of it good fat,” he adds. In fact, a study in 2021 had revealed how eating about half a cup of walnuts every day for two years modestly lowered levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol and reduced the number of total LDL particles and small LDL particles in healthy, older adults. “And we all know how cholesterol forms plaque and clogs up the arteries,” says Dr Kahale.

Besides, even if you have eggs, the nuts could be a good substitute for sausage, which is processed meat. Replacing cold cuts and meats with nuts (say 28 to 50 gm) lowered the cardiovascular risk by 27 per cent, according to the review.


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“That’s because Indians usually have a late dinner and grains and animal protein take a much longer time to digest. So if you have an egg breakfast at 8 am, there is still some undigested food and you are overloading your digestive system again. This again pushes up blood sugar levels and impacts your fat metabolism. Fruits and nuts do not overload the system and are lighter. Soaked nuts are also easier for absorption,” explains Dr Sujatha Ganigi, Consultant, Non-Interventional Cardiologist, Manipal Hospital, Bengaluru.

Besides, nuts make for a good snack option, particularly for the in-between meal cravings. That’s why Dr Chandan Saurav Mahapatro, Consultant, Interventional Cardiologist, Manipal Hospital, Bengaluru recommends having anything between 20-30 mg of chestnuts, almonds, walnuts and even avocados. “Chestnuts have antioxidants like gallic and ellagic acid, which have been proven to reduce oxidative stress, a condition that may raise the risk of strokes and heart disease, in studies. In fact, I recommend nuts to my patients over chicken stew and other dietary supplements, especially among those who have high BP and high blood sugar,” he says. Also, nuts he feels are more acceptable and lighter that can be had in bits throughout the day. “You cannot do that with eggs,” he says.


Several of the largest cohort studies, including the Adventist Study, the Iowa Women’s Health Study, the Nurses’ Health Study, and the Physicians’ Health Study, have shown a consistent 30 per cent to 50 percent lower risk of myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death, or cardiovascular disease associated with eating nuts several times a week.




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