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5 tips to overcome childhood obesity

5 tips to overcome childhood obesity


Editor's note: Season 9 of the podcast Chasing Life With Dr. Sanjay Gupta explores the intersection of weight and health. We explore a wide range of topics, including the evolutionary reasons why weight loss is difficult and new weight loss drugs.can hear here.

(CNN) — It's no secret that a growing number of Americans believe that overweight or obese; And that includes children. Number of children aged 2 to 19 years classified as obese Today, that number has increased to 20%, or 1 in 5 people.

“Essentially, from the 1970s to the 1990s, there was a huge increase in the number of children who were considered obese because they weighed too much,” said Dr. Jack Yanofsky, a pediatric endocrinologist at the National Institutes of Health. says. The Institute of Child Health and Human Development said this on CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta's podcast “Chasing Life.”

Doctors define obesity a little differently in children than they do in adults. Children's BMI index — Due to imperfect measurements, — Calculated in the same way (weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared), but the obesity threshold is not BMI 30 or higher. Instead, children are compared to other children of the same age and gender. A child is considered obese if their BMI is at or above the 95th percentile (greater than 95 out of 100 other children of the same age and gender). Severe obesity is defined as a BMI at or above the 120th percentile.

In addition to social stigma, being considered heavy is one of the most common reasons. children are bullied at school — Carrying excess weight can lead to current and future health problems.

“Most people who are overweight at age 5 or 6 tend to continue to have weight problems through adolescence and into adulthood,” says Yanofsky.

Negative health effects can accumulate. “We know that these people maintain a high body weight for many years, so the highest risk comes from the top (fat),” he said.

Click below to listen to the full episode of Chasing Life with Dr. Jack Yanofsky.

Pediatricians see children with the following symptoms, which usually begin in adulthood: type 2 diabeteshigh blood pressure, high triglyceride and Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Even if these children are able to temporarily avoid the metabolic conditions associated with excess weight, they may experience mechanical problems such as joint pain in the legs, knees, and back and sleep apnea.

Don't you think it's time to talk to your child about weight? Talking about weight with children of any age is a sensitive topic for parents and pediatricians alike. After all, children are growing, their bodies are changing, and as they grow, their weight should also increase. Knowing what is healthy, appropriate, and socially and personally acceptable can feel subjective to parents and children.

“In general, you should talk to your health care provider,” says Yanofsky. “Remember, children come in all sizes and shapes, and their calorie needs vary greatly depending on where they are in their growth cycle. So weigh and test your child. Let's get it and see if it's a medically significant disease.”

If parents reprimand too harshly, children may become depressed and resentful, and may feel condemned or singled out. Some people may develop eating disorders to lose weight.

“Parents should be careful and sensitive towards their children, and rarely shame them about their relationship with food to avoid these problems,” Yanofsky said. said.

Here are Yanofsky's top five tips:

Don't come in like a bulldozer with a “parents know best” attitude.

“Be humble and be careful how you speak, because there is often bias and weight bias,” Yanovsky said. “Children should feel safe sharing their concerns and struggles. If you need to make changes or consider treatment, remember that decision-making is a shared process. please.”

There is no “right” body size

Children are a work in progress and the rate of growth is normal.

“Remember that there is a range of healthy weights and that children grow, especially during adolescence,” says Yanofsky. “Your child's health care provider can discuss with you what is appropriate for your child.”

Make healthy choices the default.

“Create a healthy environment by considering what foods and snacks are available at home,” says Yanofsky. “For example, if your kids come home hungry from school, offer them a plate of fresh fruit and vegetables. Instead of serving meals to the family at the table, share them with everyone in the kitchen. Please serve it up.”

Food should not be used as an incentive.

“Don't let food be the ultimate reward for behavior, performance, or chores,” Yanofsky said. “Don't use really tasty food as a festive reward. You can also substitute activities or non-food rewards.”

Children's bodies are constantly changing, but parents should aim to maintain a stable attitude.

“Manage your expectations,” Yanovsky said. “If you’re inconsistent and switching between being too lenient and being too strict, that’s a problem.”

He pointed out that many parents discipline their children. “But we need to make sure we don't go too far in that direction, so we can be there for our children and help them get through some very difficult times in their lives.” He said.

We hope these five tips will help guide you when talking to your kids about food and weight.Listen to the full episode here. next week's chase life podcast When we bring you a special episode about the current state of IVF In Alabama, after the state Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are children.




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