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Small wireless light bulb for biomedical applications

Small wireless light bulb for biomedical applications


A team of researchers from the University of St Andrews and the University of Cologne has developed a new wireless light source that may one day be able to 'illuminate' the human body from the inside. Such light sources could enable new minimally invasive means to treat and better understand diseases that today require the implantation of bulky devices. The research is titled “Wireless Magnetoelectrically Driven Organic Light-Emitting Diodes.” scientific progress.

A new approach presented by German and Scottish scientists is based on integrating organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) into an “acoustic antenna”. Acoustic antennas are currently being investigated for various applications such as low magnetic field detection. A major advantage of acoustic antennas compared to electrical antennas is that they can be designed much smaller. Commonly used in modern smartphones and high-end televisions, OLEDs consist of a thin layer of organic material that can be applied to almost any surface. In their study, researchers exploited this property to deposit OLEDs directly onto acoustic antennas, combining the unique properties of both platforms into a single, highly compact device. In this way, the acoustic antenna serves as the substrate and power source for his custom-developed OLED. They convert energy from a magnetic field into mechanical vibrations and then into electrical current through an effect known as the compound magnetoelectric effect.

New devices operate at sub-megahertz frequencies. Electromagnetic fields at this frequency are only slightly absorbed by water, so this frequency is used for things like undersea communications. However, unlike submarines, biomedical applications require small devices to avoid adverse tissue effects.

In recent years, optical stimulation technology has emerged as a promising alternative to electrical stimulation due to its high cell selectivity and ability to stimulate individual cells. Such technologies have already shown promising results in early clinical trials, for example in treating otherwise untreatable eye diseases.

“Our new wireless light source combines minimal device size, low operating frequency and light stimulation,” said Professor Marte Gaza Humboldt, Director of the Humboldt Nano-Biophotonics Center at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Cologne. . natural Science. “Many new applications require the independent stimulation of multiple sites, which is why modern brain stimulators often incorporate a large number of electrodes. In the case of our wireless light source, the device can be controlled and operated independently without the need for additional bulky electronics. ”

This is possible because the operating frequencies of different acoustic antennas can be adjusted to different values. In the future, this could make it possible to independently control multiple stimulators in different parts of the body, for example to treat tremors in the later stages of Parkinson's disease. As a next step, the researchers aim to further reduce the size of the wireless OLED and test the technology in animal models.




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