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Winzorit reflects on the COVID-19 pandemic four years later

Winzorit reflects on the COVID-19 pandemic four years later


Four years ago, when a global pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO), life around the world changed forever.

Although the coronavirus pandemic has officially ended, its effects continue to be felt.

Looking back to the early days of the pandemic, even those who were preparing for an onslaught of patients couldn't believe what was happening.

“You're thinking, 'Is that true?' Are we going to live through this? Is this actually happening? Because it's only in the movies. Because it's something you don't see,” said Windsor Regional Hospital President David Musisi.

At Windsor Regional Hospital, Msizi recalled, it felt like a waiting game.

As the number of people infected with the new coronavirus increases around the world and a global pandemic has been declared, No first case confirmed in Windsor Until March 20, 2020.

“Everyone was walking on eggshells as we waited for our first patient,” he recalled.

Patients arrived at the hospital one after another.

Since the first case was reported, more than 5,800 people have been admitted to area hospitals and St. Clair University's temporary field hospital with COVID-19.

According to the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU), there are 56,322 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the region.

A total of 809 people have died from the virus as health systems struggle to cope.

“There are so many unknowns and information has just been bombarding us, and we are trying to share as much of the latest and greatest with our staff as possible,” Msizi said. “And then, with 20, 30 minutes notice, things changed.”

But Msiszi said it had taught healthcare workers lasting lessons about treatment and patient management.

“We want to recover from this incident, but we need to remember and remember that it happened in case it happens again,” he said.

In May 2023, the WHO stated the following regarding the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19): It is no longer a global health emergency.but the aftertaste remains.

Since then, 564 people have been hospitalized and 30 people have died in hospital, according to WECHU data.

Msizi said about 15 people are still hospitalized each day with COVID-19, but that number has fluctuated between 10 and 40 at any given time over the past year.

“Unfortunately, it is now a regular part of our lives,” Msizi said. “Yes, it's going to be with us for quite a while.”

Meanwhile, Ontario Premier Doug Ford marked the milestone with rose-colored glasses.

“Compared to other countries in the world, we performed very well.” Mr. Ford said during a stop in Windsor on Monday.. “Everyone has pitched in, from manufacturers to health care workers to industry. Everyone has done a great job, but I've never seen anything like this.”

But for some, like Windsor resident Mike Lynone, it means the economic impact continues.

He lives at the Ontario Mill and ODSP. He received $2,000 a month in Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) from the federal government.

“I was told by a CRA representative that the Ontario plant met that standard because I was taking care of my seniors,” he said before receiving the CERB.

He collected seven payments totaling $14,000. He thought the taxes he would pay back later would be around $3,000.

But now the Canada Revenue Agency is hounding him for a full refund.

“I met that criteria, but somewhere along the way the rules changed,” Reinone claimed.

He now pays back $50 a month to avoid fines.

However, if you live on a limited income and continue at this pace, your 64 year old will be completely flat in 23 years.

“Even though I was fined $14,000, I'm on ODSP and I'm living on the edge right now. Thinking back to what was done to people at the beginning of this case, I want you to see it,” he said.

He is one of many who collectively owe the government billions of dollars in CERB repayments.




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