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New blood test has an 83% chance of detecting colon cancer

New blood test has an 83% chance of detecting colon cancer


A bottle of blood can be seen in the laboratory.Share on Pinterest
A new study has found that a blood test may help detect colon cancer. Pansfun Image/Stocksy United
  • A blood test known as a cfDNA test has been proven to accurately detect colorectal cancer in most cases.
  • Although colorectal cancer is often fatal, screening for it can be inconvenient, so getting more adults to adhere to screening guidelines is a priority.
  • Experts believe this new test will help fill the gap and allow more people to get regularly tested for colorectal cancer.

A new blood test for colorectal cancer screening appears to be effective in clinical trial data, but questions remain about how it can be used.

Colorectal cancer screening has the impression of being difficult, but a new type of screening could make it as easy as taking a blood sample. It can also be done during a routine checkup with your doctor.

This is also effective, but there are some caveats. In a study published this week, New England Medical JournalResearchers have found that a type of blood test known as a cell-free DNA blood-based test, or cfDNA test, can detect colorectal cancer in 83% of patients with the disease. The study was funded by Guardant Health, the test's developer.

Detection rates are comparable to home screening tests that are already widely used. Fecal immunochemistry (FIT) testis approximately accurate 8 out of 10 Case.

Colonoscopy As is “Gold Standard” Detecting and preventing colorectal cancer requires significantly more time, schedule, and preparation. Colonoscopy can accurately identify colorectal cancer. Approximately 95% of cases.

Experts told Healthline that the combination of accuracy and accessibility could revolutionize testing.

“It's very, very exciting. I think this has a huge potential to change the whole world. colon cancer early detection,” Dr. Christopher Chenassistant professor of oncology and director of early drug development at the Stanford Cancer Institute at the Stanford School of Medicine, told Healthline.

Dr.ben parkDr. M.D., director of the Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center at Vanderbilt University, told Healthline: tests like this. This isn't perfect, as perhaps everyone can read from the numbers, but it's a great start. ”

Park said he was not involved in this study, but is currently engaged in another clinical trial involving Guardant Health.

The findings come from a large, multicenter trial known as the ECLIPSE trial. Approximately 8,000 patients between the ages of 45 and 84 participated. Participants were at average risk for colorectal cancer and had already undergone regular screening for colorectal cancer.

The study tested the effectiveness of Guardant Health's shield blood test compared to colonoscopies. Sixty-five participants in this trial had colorectal cancer confirmed by colonoscopy. cfDNA testing revealed positive cancer in 54 of 65 participants (83.1%).

This test does not check for precancerous lesions or polyps that can develop into cancer. For precancerous lesions, the test detected only about 13% of cases.

“This test is not cancer prevention, and that's the key difference,” Chen says.

Cell-free DNA blood-based tests work by detecting small DNA fragments in the blood that can be released by tumors and other cancerous tissue.

“This is one of the first tests, at least for blood, to use a combination of mutations and so-called epigenetic marks or DNA methylation as another marker to detect cancer, rather than just mutations. “I think it's one,” Park said.

Finding small pieces of DNA is also no easy task. This is one reason why cfDNA testing has not yet made significant progress in screening for colorectal cancer.

“In fact, we've known for decades that every cell in our body sheds or secretes this naked, free-floating DNA…so we've known this for decades. “Even though we knew from the beginning, the challenge was that the technology didn't exist for us to really be able to sift the needle out of the haystack,” Park said. Told.

Colon cancer is 2nd leading cause of cancer-related death. Despite how deadly this disease is, many adults do not adhere to recommended testing. less than 60% 80 adults between the ages of 45 and 75 have taken these tests, despite the fact that these tests supposedly prevent infection. 35,000 deaths (almost 70%) due to colorectal cancer each year.

“With a screening test, you're testing an otherwise healthy person. That's a difficult concept for people to understand.” Dr. Robert Smithsenior vice president of early cancer detection science at the American Cancer Society, told Healthline.

Colonoscopies are very accurate in detecting precancerous lesions and colorectal cancer, but many people ignore them because they are too cumbersome.

The appeal of the cfDNA blood test is that even if it is less accurate, it may have a net positive effect by getting more patients regularly tested for colorectal cancer.

“A test that patients never take is ineffective. Even with certain limitations in practicality, the potential for this to be more widely adopted is still a very positive step forward,” Chen said.

“Would it be better to stand on principle and argue that there is a cheaper, more accurate test? By the way, because the general public doesn’t get tested, people are dying from colorectal cancer because they can’t get tested. There are a lot of them. Or do we capture the patient in the office and basically make testing very easy and attractive?'' Smith said.

“We're pretty loyal to the most accurate test. But the most accurate test may be the one that a significant portion of the population uses,” he said.

The new blood test, as well as some home screening tests, can detect colorectal cancer in about 83% of cases.

Colorectal cancer is one of the deadliest cancers, but not enough adults are tested regularly.

Experts believe the new test could help close the accessibility gap and help more adults get tested regularly.




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