Women's health app CHARLI uses artificial intelligence to speed up endometriosis diagnosis
When Gemma Nesbitt Sackville experienced severe cramps during her menstrual periods, she didn't know they could be a symptom of a serious health condition.
“When I started menstruating around age 14, I didn't think anything was wrong,” she said.
“I often looked at other people who were doing well in life, playing sports, and dressing well, and I thought, 'I'm clearly weak and can't get on with life.' .”
Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease that affects nearly one million Australians and causes cells similar to those that make up the endometrium to grow in other parts of the body.
Growing up in Bendigo, Nesbitt-Sackville said endometriosis wasn't commonly discussed, and she was diagnosed with it at the age of 35 after pelvic surgery for another condition. He said it was only inside.
“After having this surgery, I realized that managing endometriosis requires a significant number of specialists,” she said.
“That means a gynecologist, a women's health physical therapist, a primary care physician… and usually ongoing surgery.”
She currently lives in Sale in eastern Victoria and has to travel to Melbourne regularly to manage her endometriosis.
“It's a 220km trip each way, but unfortunately you can't always drive like that, especially when you're in pain,” she said.
“So I'm relying on someone else to take me there.
“I have to take time off from work to make these appointments, which can take a whole day or more.”
According to the Endometriosis Society of Australia, it takes an average of five years for a woman living in a metropolitan area to be diagnosed with endometriosis, and six years for a woman living outside of a metropolitan area.
AI identifies anomalies
Endometriosis Australia has developed a period and reproductive tracking app that aims to reduce delays in being diagnosed with endometriosis.
The CHARLI app identifies abnormal patterns through self-recorded data, facilitates lifestyle changes, and connects users with healthcare professionals such as general practitioners, specialists, and allied health professionals.
CHARLI co-founder Samantha Costa said the app should improve access to healthcare, especially for women living outside of urban areas.
“We have a telehealth service within the app that users can link to,” she said.
“This means everything happens within the app, so you can access your care with the click of a button.
“Yes, you may need to undergo blood tests or scans to get the full picture… [but] majority [care] This can be done via a telemedicine platform. ”
Costa said the app aims to detect abnormalities that women with endometriosis may not notice until later.
“This helps young girls understand that what they are experiencing early in their reproductive journey is potentially not normal,” she says.
“And you can open lines of communication with your treatment provider early on, whether it's on an app or with your local GP, allowing you to start that process sooner than potentially expected.” .”
Achieve equal access
Endometriosis Australia medical director Anush Yazdani said women living in regional and rural areas could also benefit from CHARLI, as women's health services are concentrated in metropolitan areas.
“We need to be smarter because we don't have enough people in these low-density areas to keep clinics running,” Dr. Yazdani said.
“But there are ways to ensure every girl and woman in Australia has access to these people.”
Nesbitt-Sackville said the app will also provide additional information about endometriosis, as well as collating a complete data set to share with medical professionals, empowering women like her to advocate for themselves. said it was helpful.
“The app CHARLI is great for women to have a set of data and go to their GP and say, 'Look, this is what's actually happening, I'm tracking it and I have this information.' “It's going to be great because I can say,” she said.
“After I was diagnosed, my specialist was great and gave me some information, but I had to Google a lot to understand what was going on.
“And I also thought about how I was going to deal with this in the future and how they would impact my career, my fertility, the specialist care I needed, etc.”
Dr. Yazdani said the pain caused by endometriosis affects all aspects of relationships and work.
“We know that pure lost productivity costs an individual over $30,000 per year, not to mention the costs of hospitalization and treatment,” he said.
“Women living in rural and remote areas have the right to receive exactly the same care as women living in predominantly white urban areas.”
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