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Effects of free sugars on human health

Effects of free sugars on human health


In a recently published review article, nutrientsresearchers summarized the current evidence on the effects of free sugars on human health outcomes such as mood, cognition, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity.

Researchers conclude that consuming too much added sugar can have negative effects on overall health and well-being, calling for further research into how different forms of carbohydrates affect diverse populations. emphasized.

Research: Effects of sugar-free on human health - Narrative review. Image credit: qoppi/Shutterstock.comstudy: Effects of free sugar on human health — a narrative review. Image credit: qoppi/


Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, are largely preventable but account for a significant proportion of deaths worldwide.

Researchers have emphasized lifestyle modifications to prevent and treat NCDs, and while there is evidence to suggest that dietary changes can have significant benefits, the specific role of sugar intake remains unclear. There is a discussion going on.

In the second half of the 20th century, decreased fat intake led to increased intake of carbohydrates and added sugars, especially high fructose corn syrup. This coincided with rising rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Sugar intake has decreased slightly in recent years due to health guidelines that recommend limiting daily sugar intake to reduce health risks.

Several studies have linked excessive sugar intake to a variety of health problems. At the same time, other research indicates that sugar may be less inherently harmful than other energy sources in the diet.

Effects of sugar on health

Global obesity rates have increased significantly over the past few decades, and obesity is associated with various NCDs.Discussion surrounding the primaries causes of obesityExcessive sugar, fat, or total calorie intake persists, and recent declines in sugar consumption and persistent obesity rates suggest generational effects.

Studies comparing low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets have found mixed results, highlighting the need for individualized dietary interventions.

Sugar intake, particularly from fructose and sugar-containing beverages, has been associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in many studies. However, findings are inconsistent, and some short-term studies have failed to establish a clear relationship.

Long-term studies suggest that fructose intake has a significant impact on insulin resistance and diabetes risk, especially in women. A protective effect of dietary fiber and certain fats on diabetes risk has also been noted, demonstrating the complexity of dietary factors influencing T2DM.

The role of refined carbohydrates and sugar-sweetened beverages in heart disease is increasingly recognized, with studies showing an association with dyslipidemia and increased cardiovascular risk.

Some studies show a direct link between sugar intake and heart disease, while others provide conflicting results, perhaps due to differences in study length or methodology.

Research shows that sugar can have a negative impact on cardiovascular health, although the specific types of carbohydrates and fats you consume can have different effects.

Chronic excess sugar intake has been hypothesized to impair cognitive function, and studies in animals and humans have demonstrated neurological and cognitive impairments associated with high sugar intake.

A mother's sugar intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding can also affect her child's cognition.

Some studies suggest short-term cognitive benefits from sugar intake, but the long-term effects are less clear and may be influenced by factors such as long-term blood sugar control and dietary habits. .

The effects of sugar on mood and behavior are controversial, with inconsistent results across studies. Short-term studies suggest potential mood benefits from sugar intake, especially after fasting, while long-term studies show a correlation between high-sugar diets and depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. is shown.

Confounders and methodological challenges complicate research on the relationship between added sugars and psychological health and warrant further investigation.

underlying mechanism

Chronic sugar overconsumption is hypothesized to affect mood through neurological mechanisms. A sugary Western diet is associated with inflammation, decreased BDNF in the hippocampus, and altered dopamine signaling, resembling addictive behaviors.

Sugar intake can cause dysregulation of dopaminergic pathways, leading to increased sugar seeking and consumption, similar to addiction. Disruption of the microbiome, especially due to sugar-rich diets, worsens inflammation and contributes to obesity and neurodegeneration.

Sugar-induced dysbiosis can lead to intestinal permeability, leading to systemic and neuroinflammation, which may explain the neurological and psychiatric disorders associated with sugar and obesity.


There is minimal scientific evidence to support claims that added sugar in the diet provides health benefits. In fact, research is showing that fructose can have negative effects, especially when consumed in excess, over a long period of time, or in high concentrations.

Glucose supplementation is beneficial under certain circumstances, but it can also be obtained from dietary sources such as whole grains, vegetables, and foods.

Although it is not necessary to eliminate all added sugars, nutritionists recommend limiting their intake to no more than 10% of total energy expenditure.

The reviewers highlighted the need to further investigate how different artificial sweeteners and macronutrients impact health outcomes and the challenges posed by sugar-related disorders.

While large population studies may not be ideal for identifying individual effects, cohort studies and randomized controlled trials in diverse populations can determine the exact effects of macronutrients and Gain insight into how the two interact to change health outcomes.




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