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Ultra-processed foods: How they affect your health and how to tell them apart

Ultra-processed foods: How they affect your health and how to tell them apart


In the era of Convenience Nutritional value is often prioritized. Ever-increasing research content There is growing concern about the impact of diet on health. ultra-processed foods. These foods undergo extensive industrial processing, resulting in products that are convenient and highly palatable, but can have negative long-term health effects.

While processing itself is not inherently negative (think pasteurized milk or extra virgin olive oil), the extent of processing and its impact on nutrient density is an important factor to consider. Ultra-processed food. Generally defined as: Nova, contains additives and is significantly altered from its natural state. They tend to be high in energy density, low in nutritional value, and often have long shelf lives.

Concerns have been raised about their role in diet-related health outcomes such as Heart disease, Diabetesand obesityBecause our busy lifestyles make it easier, faster, or cheaper to reach for raw or minimally processed foods such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, and seeds rather than cooking and eating them. Because it's sexual.

“As dietitians, we prefer to talk about actual foods and nutrients and teach people how to read labels and what to look for, rather than focusing on broad, all-encompassing categories,” says the dietitian. says Caroline Passerello, a nutritionist and spokesperson for the Dietetic Association. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

In many cases, it may not be possible to give a clear yes or no to a particular food. “It takes education and knowing how to read labels and what to look for and what not to look for,” she added.

Passarello suggested considering the level of food processing, the overall nutrient density of the food, and the overall dietary pattern. Packaged cookies and soda are energy dense, but nutrients Our bodies need it. They may provide some energy and calories, but they do not provide vitamins or minerals. Over time, this can lead to nutritional deficiencies and unintentional weight gain, said Passerello, who is also a lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh.

However, there is a spectrum. “How our bodies respond to calories and nutrients depends on our age, activity level, and overall eating pattern,” she says.

meanwhile NOVA classification system It provides the most common framework for understanding the food processing continuum, including several other classification schemes. International Food Information Council, or IFIC, uses slightly different criteria to define ultra-processed and processed foods. However, in general, I agree with these guidelines Highly processed foods contain high amounts of total and added sugar, fat, and/or salt; Dietary fiberuses industrial ingredients, whether food-based or created in a lab, and typically contains little or no natural foods.

On supermarket shelves, you can easily find highly processed foods such as:

  • mass produced bread
  • Carbonated drink
  • breakfast cereal
  • ice cream

These are just a few of the products that typically contain artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. These products are designed for extended shelf life, convenience, and profitability, but often at the expense of nutritional value.

How ultra-processed food works affect health

Research shows a clear link between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and negative health outcomes. In recent research, british medical journal It highlights the association between ultra-processed diets and increased caloric intake, weight gain, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Participants who ate the ultra-processed diet ate an average of 500 more calories per day than those who ate the unprocessed diet and gained more weight over time.

Another reason to reduce your consumption of highly processed foods: recent discoveries Researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and the Robert N. Butler Columbia Center on Aging suggest that eating a healthier diet may slow the rate of aging. aging process and reduce the chance of developing dementia. This emphasizes that dietary choices can impact overall health and wellness. cognitive function.

Reducing intake of ultra-processed, more nutritious foods is especially important for children and older adults. Because your changing body requires different energy needs and a higher quality of calories to burn. But Passarello says there's no need to worry about splurging on the occasional mac and cheese or ice cream cone. “Focus on your eating patterns over the course of a week, not every day.”

Passarello added that it's easy to fall into habitual patterns, such as relying on meal delivery apps, takeout and convenience foods, that are difficult to break out of. It means making a lifestyle switch that means budgeting more time and more money to change your behavior. Start with small steps. Find ways to make your meals more nutrient-dense whenever possible, for example by replacing a side salad with fries. She also suggested:

  • When eating out, order from the children's menu to reduce portion sizes.
  • Adding fresh fruit to packaged breakfast cereals
  • Learn how to read food labels and choose products with fewer additives and more recognizable ingredients.
  • Prioritize whole foods or minimally processed foods
  • Take a holistic approach to dietary patterns and consider the cumulative impact of food choices over time
  • Consult with a registered dietitian or nutritionist at least once or twice to create a meal plan that fits your lifestyle, dietary preferences, and budget.
  • Become an informed and empowered consumer and reduce your risk of poor health later in life

how to distinguish ultra-processed foods

According to the NOVA classification system, ultra-processed foods are substances that are extracted from food (oils, fats, sugars, starches, proteins), derived from food components (hydrogenated fats and modified starches), or synthesized. An industrial preparation made entirely or largely from In the laboratory, it is extracted from food substrates or other organic sources (flavor enhancers, colorants, and some food additives used to make the product highly palatable). Beverages may be ultra-processed.

Below are some examples of ultra-processed foods.

  • packaged snacks and cookies
  • ice cream and frozen desserts
  • chocolate, candy, confectionery
  • Cola, soda, and other carbonated drinks
  • Energy and sports drinks
  • Baked sweets made from hydrogenated vegetable oils, etc.
  • Sugar, yeast, whey, emulsifiers and other additives
  • breakfast cereals and bars
  • Sweetened and flavored yogurt, including fruit yogurt
  • Milk drinks containing chocolate milk
  • meal replacement shakes
  • pastries, cakes, cake mixes




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