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Management and treatment of knee osteoarthritis

Management and treatment of knee osteoarthritis


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease that significantly impacts mobility and quality of life. Known as the most common form of arthritis, it is characterized by the destruction and eventual loss of cartilage within the joints, causing pain, stiffness, reduced mobility, and even disability. This disease is usually seen in older people and affects joints including the knees, hips, and hands. The most common form of OA is knee osteoarthritis, which affects over 10-20% of Malaysia's adult population.

Understanding knee osteoarthritis

An analysis conducted by the Beijing Osteoarthritis Study found that Asians are more likely to develop knee OA than hip OA, which is more common in Westerners. This can be caused by factors such as differences in our body structure, lifestyle choices, and environmental influences. For example, cultural practices such as squatting in Asian communities can increase stress on the knee joint and contribute to the development of knee OA. Additionally, dietary habits, obesity, and work-related activities that involve repetitive movements may also influence the prevalence of knee OA in Asians.

While aging remains the main risk factor, younger people who have had previous joint injuries such as fractures or strains are also at risk, as this can accelerate cartilage degeneration. There is a possibility. Participating in high-impact sports such as running, basketball, and tennis can put excessive mechanical and repetitive strain on the joints, which can damage the cartilage and joints over time, which can damage the knees of young people. May increase risk of OA. Additionally, people with pre-existing joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and metabolic diseases such as diabetes are at increased risk of developing knee OA.

Dr Yuen Jin Chuan, consultant orthopedic, trauma, arthroplasty and robotic surgeon at Sunway Medical Center Velocity, said gender and genetics could also be factors in developing knee OA. “A family history of mild joint abnormalities or genetics of hypermobility (double joints) may increase the prevalence of knee OA,” Yuen explains.

She further points out that women face higher risks than men due to differences in hormonal factors and joint biomechanics. Symptoms of knee OA to be aware of include swelling of the knee joint, stiffness of the knee, and pain when standing or walking short distances.

precautionary measures

Precautions you can take to lower your risk of knee OA include maintaining a healthy weight to reduce stress on your joints and including joint-friendly foods in your diet, such as fish, leafy greens, nuts, and berries. It is included. Taking supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids and glucosamine can also help reduce the risk of knee OA. Yuen also emphasizes the importance of making exercise a daily routine to prevent the development of knee OA.

“There's a common misconception that moving makes your OA worse and that less is better. However, engaging in low-impact activities like swimming, cycling, and yoga can help you strengthen your muscles without putting too much stress on them. , which actually helps maintain joint flexibility and stability,” he advises.

Additionally, the importance of small lifestyle changes in daily activities, such as practicing good posture, being careful when lifting heavy objects, and ensuring adequate rest, cannot be overstated. .

treatment options

There are various treatment options for knee OA. Local treatment options include medications such as chondroitin, steroids, and hyaluronic acid injections, as well as a minimally invasive procedure known as radiofrequency ablation, which targets the nerves around the joint. However, while these treatments may reduce symptoms, it is important to recognize that knee OA is a progressive disease.

For effective long-term management, total knee replacement (TKR) surgery is an available solution when local treatments are no longer effective. TKR provides long-term relief and improved joint function for patients suffering from severe knee OA.

Solutions like the Mako robot-assisted surgical machine usher in a new era in the field of orthopedic care. Mako Technology enables more precise and customized operations with its 3D imaging system. The robotic arm helps surgeons perform customized bone resections, allowing for better alignment, leading to improved joint function and increased patient longevity.

Compared to Mako robot-assisted surgery, traditional TKR surgery often alters the kinematics of normal knee alignment, which can compromise joint function. However, Mako robot-assisted surgery, performed using the Mako Robotic machine, has the ability to accurately recreate the natural kinematics of the knee, restore alignment, and improve overall joint performance. Mako technology ensures minimally invasive surgery, reducing patient pain levels and shortening recovery time.




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