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Bird flu found in dairy cows in North Carolina; risk to humans is low

Bird flu found in dairy cows in North Carolina; risk to humans is low


Highly pathogenic avian influenza was recently detected in a dairy herd in North Carolina, according to the state Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

The avian influenza detected by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) had already been detected in dairy herds in Texas, Kansas, Michigan, Idaho, New Mexico and Ohio.

Movement of cattle from affected herds in these states to North Carolina has been suspended.

By law, milk purchased in North Carolina must be pasteurized. This process results in avian influenza being fatal if milk from infected flocks is supplied.

Steve Troxler, the state's agriculture commissioner, said the Food and Drug Administration “has no concerns about the safety or availability of pasteurized dairy products nationwide.”

“This is an evolving situation and we are awaiting further diagnostics from NVSL and will continue to work collaboratively with our federal partners and North Carolina dairy farmers,” Troxler said. “While we have spent years developing methods to address HPAI in poultry, this is new and we are working with state and federal partners to develop protocols to address this situation. .”

Outbreaks of avian influenza have been reported in several states. The virus can spread to other animals, such as cows.

North Carolina veterinarian Dr. Michael Martin said the risk of human infection remains extremely low. Last week, the second human case of the virus was recorded in the United States after a worker at a dairy farm in Texas tested positive.

“Currently, all milk from infected cows is thrown away. And thankfully, pasteurization of milk is standard in the United States, and pasteurization of milk kills all kinds of bugs,” says Martin. he said.

Health authorities are warning consumers not to drink raw milk. The sale of raw milk is prohibited in North Carolina.

The state Department of Health and Human Services issued the following statement in relation to the state Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services:

Both agencies believe the overall risk to the general public remains low. There are currently no concerns about the safety of the commercial milk supply as the product is pasteurized before being placed on the market. People should not consume or prepare foods using raw or unpasteurized milk.

The latest information on avian influenza in North Carolina can be found at this link..

In March 2022, a Johnston County poultry farm had to preventively euthanize approximately 32,000 turkeys after positive samples were detected in the flock. This positive sample was the first case of avian influenza in poultry in North Carolina.

Also in 2022, North Carolina became the first state to record cases of avian influenza spreading to black bears.

“Animals that feed on it, like bears, come across dead waterfowl or something, and they eat it,” said Greg Butts, a North Carolina wildlife biologist. “The same goes for hawks.”




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