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Trial finds new type of bed net could cut malaria risk by up to half | Global expansion

Trial finds new type of bed net could cut malaria risk by up to half | Global expansion


Two new types of bed nets have been found to reduce malaria cases. up to half Hopes are rising to fight this disease, Increasingly resistant to treatment and prevention efforts.

Between 2019 and 2022, nets treated with not one but two insecticides were trialled in 17 African countries where malaria is endemic.

Participating countries include Nigeria. more than a quarter The number of deaths worldwide from this disease, which is transmitted by mosquitoes.

is more than By 2022, malaria will kill 600,000 people and infect 249 million people., according to the latest data from the World Health Organization. More than 90% of infections and deaths occurred in Africa.

Bed nets, a staple for malaria prevention since the 1990s, contain the effective insecticide pyrethroids.But it turned into a mosquito Increasingly resistant to chemicals.

During clinical trials, coating nets with the insecticides pyriproxyfen or chlorfenapyr in combination with pyrethroids reduced malaria transmission by: 20% and 50%.

Tomjon, a father of two, has two layers of insecticide-treated bed nets installed in his home in Cameroon. Photo: Vincent Becker/Global Fund

“There is no silver bullet to eradicate malaria and we cannot rely on a single intervention, but rather we need to invest in a suite of tools,” said Michael Charles, CEO of RBM Partnership to End. said. malaria, a global platform for coordinated action against this disease. “The dual insecticide net is his one shining example of these tools.”

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which funded the trial as part of the New Nets Project, Partnership with World Health Organization Unitaidsaid that the uptake of the pilot network was much faster and more widespread than originally expected. The organization expects the rollout of the new product to continue at scale in the 17 states that participated in the pilot and further expand to other countries.

The Global Fund is offering new nets for less than $3 (£2.40), which it says is on par with the cost of the old product. The organization estimates that countries could save up to $30 million (£24 million) by adopting the new nets.

In January, Deployment of first malaria vaccine It started in Cameroon. A further 19 countries in Africa are expected to introduce it. RTS, S vaccine This year, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone and Liberia participated in bed net trials.




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