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These factors can worsen liver health

These factors can worsen liver health


World Liver Day 2024: These factors can worsen liver health

World Liver Day 2024: Hepatitis B and C viruses can cause inflammation and damage to the liver

World Liver Day is observed on April 19 every year to raise awareness of liver-related diseases and promote liver health around the world. This day aims to educate people about the importance of liver health, encourage preventive measures against liver disease, and advocate early detection and treatment.

The theme for this year's World Liver Day is “Be vigilant, get your liver checked regularly and prevent fatty liver disease.” This theme emphasizes the importance of early identification and prevention of liver problems, with a particular focus on the growing health threat posed by fatty liver disease.

To promote global liver health and reduce the burden of liver diseases, various organizations, including health institutions and NGOs, are participating in awareness campaigns, educational events, and health screenings on World Liver Day. You can do your part by researching and learning about liver health. Keep reading as we share a list of factors that can worsen liver health.

10 factors that can negatively impact liver health:

1. Excessive drinking

Alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholic liver disease, which causes inflammation, fatty deposits, and scarring of the liver. It may be helpful to abstain from alcohol and seek medical help for alcohol dependence.

2. Unhealthy eating habits

Eating a diet high in processed foods, saturated fat, and sugar can lead to obesity, insulin resistance, and fatty liver disease. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein while limiting your intake of unhealthy fats and sugars.

3. Obesity

Excess weight can cause fatty liver disease and increase the risk of liver inflammation and scarring. Losing weight through a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes can reduce your risk.

4. Viral hepatitis infection

Hepatitis B and C viruses cause inflammation and damage to the liver, which can lead to chronic liver disease and liver cancer. Hepatitis B can be prevented with antiviral drugs and, in some cases, vaccination.

5. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

NAFLD is characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver and is often associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome.

6. Exposure to toxins and pollutants

Chemical toxins, pollutants, and environmental contaminants can damage liver cells and impair liver function over time. Treatment includes minimizing exposure to toxins, following workplace safety guidelines, and maintaining good environmental hygiene.

7. Medication and drug use

Certain medications and drugs, such as over-the-counter painkillers, prescription drugs, and recreational substances, can be toxic to the liver.

8. Smoking

Tobacco smoke contains harmful chemicals that can cause liver inflammation, oxidative stress, and liver cancer.

9. Unprotected sex and dangerous injections

Behaviors such as unprotected sex and sharing needles for drug use can increase the risk of hepatitis B and C infections, which can damage the liver.

10. Genetic factors

Genetic factors such as inherited liver diseases such as Wilson's disease and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency may predispose people to liver problems.

Overall, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding harmful substances, getting a hepatitis vaccine, and seeking early medical intervention for liver-related diseases can help maintain liver health and prevent liver disease. It's essential. Regular medical checkups and screenings can help detect liver problems early, allowing for timely treatment and intervention.

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. NDTV is not responsible for this information.




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