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Biodiversity loss is the biggest factor in infectious disease outbreaks, study says | Environment

Biodiversity loss is the biggest factor in infectious disease outbreaks, study says | Environment


Biodiversity loss is the biggest environmental factor in infectious disease outbreaks, making them more dangerous and prevalent, a study has found.

New infectious diseases are on the rise, many of which originate from wild meta-analysis According to a paper published in the journal Nature, researchers found that of all the “drivers of global change” that disrupt ecosystems, species loss increases the risk of pandemics. I discovered that this is the biggest factor. Biodiversity loss was followed by climate change and the introduction of alien species.

“The important message is that biodiversity loss, climate change and invasive species increase disease, while urbanization reduces disease,” said lead researcher Professor Jason Rohr from the University of Notre Dame in the US. Ta. Experts analyzed about 1,000 studies on global environmental drivers of infectious diseases, covering every continent except Antarctica. They examined both the severity and prevalence of the disease in plant, animal, and human hosts.

The research team focused on five drivers of global change: biodiversity loss, climate change, chemical pollution, invasive species, and habitat loss. They found that four out of five had increased disease prevalence. All diseases except habitat loss increased. Their results were the same for human and non-human diseases.

Habitat change has reduced risk because humans tend to move into certain types of habitats, namely cities. Diseases tend to be less common in urban areas, partly because they have a better public health environment, but also because there are fewer wild animals. “Urban areas, where there's a lot of concrete, have far fewer species that can thrive in that environment. From a human disease perspective, they often have better sanitation and hygiene facilities than rural environments,” Rohr said. Medical infrastructure is in place.”

Since the coronavirus pandemic, there has been increased interest in zoonotic diseases. some researchers believe It came from bats. Many other diseases that currently alarm global health authorities (such as swine flu and bird flu) also originate from wild animals. Three quarters of new human diseases are zoonotic, meaning they can also be transmitted to wild and domestic animals.

Previous research has linked these diseases to environmental changes (for example, global warming could mean more widespread malaria), but it remains unclear which environmental factors have the greatest impact. Until now, it was unclear whether The researchers point out that many of the factors are interconnected, saying, “For example, climate change and chemical pollution can cause habitat loss and change, which in turn contributes to biodiversity loss. It could cause it.”

Reducing emissions, reducing biodiversity loss and preventing invasive species could all help reduce the burden of disease, researchers say. “We hope that our analysis will facilitate global disease control, mitigation, and surveillance efforts,” the researchers wrote in their paper.

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