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FDA chief says federal officials are unlikely to spread bird flu to humans, but are preparing for it • Source New Mexico

FDA chief says federal officials are unlikely to spread bird flu to humans, but are preparing for it • Source New Mexico


WASHINGTON — The head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said during a Congressional hearing Wednesday that the agency is preparing for the possibility of an avian influenza strain. affect dairy cows He warned that while it's possible they could jump to humans, it's unlikely.

Robert Califf told senators on the committee responsible for funding his agency that leaders from the FDA, Department of Agriculture and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are meeting daily to understand the situation. Ta. He also stressed that pasteurized milk is safe.

“Like all viruses, this virus mutates,” Khalif said. “We need to continue to prepare for the possibility of jumping to humans.”

“The real concern is that this virus will jump into the human lungs. In short-term outbreaks in other parts of the world, the mortality rate is 25%,” Khalif told senators. Ta.

This would be about 10 times worse than the death rate from COVID-19, he said.

Khalif stressed that the likelihood is low and that the CDC maintains its assessment that the “current public health risk is low.”

The H5N1 avian influenza strain has affected 36 dairy farms in Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, and Texas. according to CDC.

Two cases of infection have been reported. One had contact with “presumably infected” dairy cows in Texas, and the other was “involved in poultry culling (population reduction) due to presumed H5N1 avian influenza” in Colorado. Both cases were reported in April, according to the CDC.

According to the CDC, the Texas case “reported red eyes (consistent with conjunctivitis) as the only symptom,” while the Colorado case “had fatigue for several days as the only symptom, and then recovered.” ” is reported.

Multiple federal agencies involved

Khalif told the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee during Congress. hearing The Department of Agriculture has jurisdiction over dairy cows, the FDA is responsible for ensuring the safety of milk and other foods, and the CDC is responsible for ensuring the safety of farm workers.

He said the FDA has repeatedly tested milk in stores across the United States and found no live virus due to pasteurization.

The agency is interested in testing milk before the pasteurization process begins, but Khalif said there are some difficulties securing access to dairy farms.

“For example, access to farms actually has to be negotiated through the state,” he says. “Farmers and dairy owners feel more comfortable with people they know who live in their state. So all of this has to be coordinated.”

Khalif explained that once a cow is milked, it “goes into a bulk tank where a number of cows are mixed together.”

“This is a very sensitive area, because if you have infected cattle, you know where the infection is,” Khalif testified. “Technically it's fine, but we want to ensure trust. So we need to negotiate to ensure we have a way to handle data securely and to ensure that people are not blamed in the event of an infected swarm.” We need to continue. So we're working on all of that state by state.”

Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., called on the FDA to engage and communicate frequently with farmers and the public.

She noted that her home state has a dairy herd of more than 5,000 cows, accounting for 22 percent of the nation's dairy herd population. “So this is a big deal for us.”




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