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Can a sustainable diet reduce the risk of dying from disease?

Can a sustainable diet reduce the risk of dying from disease?



The environmentally-advocated plant-protein diet now has a more humane argument: it may lower the risk of death from several major diseases.

“This isn't just one cause of death, this is across the board,” said Walter Willett, a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Willett is a co-author of a new study that he helped develop in 2019 as part of the Planetary Health Diet (PHD). EAT-Lancet Commission — and its impact on mortality. The diet encourages increased intake of plant proteins such as nuts and legumes, fruits and vegetables, and healthy unsaturated fats, while reducing intake of animal protein sources and added sugars.

The new study, published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, looked at decades' worth of dietary data from more than 200,000 US health care workers. They were given a score for how closely participants' eating habits followed the Planetary Health Diet. The closer they were to the Planetary Health Diet — more nuts, less red meat, for example — the better they fared.

“All the leading causes of death have gone down, including heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and a huge benefit against dementia,” Willett said. [respiratory] death. ”

Willett also noted that the top 10% of participants who followed the diet had a 30% reduced risk of death from any cause.

Mortality data were obtained from more than 54,000 participants who died during the study period.

Certain foods were associated with lower risk

Katherine Bradbury, a senior research fellow at the University of Auckland's school of population health, said the study was comprehensive and took external factors into account.

“The team also looked at other behaviors, such as participants' exercise and smoking habits,” said Bradbury, who was not involved in the study. She highlighted certain foods that were particularly affected in the study.

“Eating lots of whole grains, nuts and healthy fats like olive oil and sunflower oil was the most important thing in reducing the risk of death,” Bradbury told CBC News from Auckland.

She added that reducing red meat consumption was also important in the analysis.

Three example plates from the Planetary Health Diet, high in plant-based protein sources, vegetables, and whole grains.
Three sample plates from the EAT-Lancet Commission's Planetary Health Diet, showing high levels of plant-based protein sources, vegetables, and whole grains. (EAT-Lancet Commission)

Making a difference

For Joshna Maharaj, a Toronto-based chef, author and food activist, the research is clear and important.

“This is beautiful, fundamental, basic wisdom,” Maharaj said, adding that it was further academic support for what sustainability advocates have long been saying.

But she stresses that it's not just about cutting back on certain foods like red meat, but also about growing more food organically.

“There are environmentally friendly ways to eat meat,” Maharaj says. “You might eat less and make more money, but raising and eating animals can be part of a functioning system.”

Maharaj says current meat production is industrialized and puts a strain on the environment, both through the chemicals used and the land used to support the meat. Factory Farming.


Farmers markets or big grocery chains? Guess the origins of these foods

Can you tell the difference between local produce and the imported stuff sold in your grocery store? Put your food knowledge to the test with Samira Mohyeddin, host of the CBC Radio series “Unforked,” and Toronto chef and author Joshna Maharaj.

She says Canadians who want to make change can start by looking in their refrigerators and learning about their own consumption patterns.

“Don't worry about whether some magical change is going to happen,” Maharaj says.

Plates and policies

The good news for Canadians is that the country Revised Food Guide Already in 2019, it recommended limiting processed foods and sugary drinks, as well as increasing plant-based protein intake.

“The Canadian Food Guide is broadly consistent with sustainable dietary patterns,” said Dr. Recently Written A paper comparing the Guide and PHD.

An example of a healthy diet from the Canadian Dietary Guide: half the meal is fruits and vegetables, one-quarter is whole grains, and one-quarter is protein.
An example of an ideal healthy diet from the Canadian Dietary Guide. (Canada Food Guide (2019))

But the challenge remains of educating people on what their ideal diet should consist of: The Canadian Dietary Guide, for example, has a tidy quarter dedicated to common proteins, and tells people how much of each type they should eat.

“We need protein, but total protein amount is not a good indicator of how healthy we are eating,” Lamarche says. “The source of the protein is a better indicator of the quality of our diet.”

Lamarche stressed that a sustainable diet is not just about eating healthy, but also about affordability, cultural appropriateness and whether it is truly good for the environment.

Can diets really save the planet?

The new study also found that following the PHD reduces environmental impact, based on calculations that foods on the diet produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions and require less water, fertilizer, and cropland.

“That's a huge thing,” Willett told CBC News from Cambridge, Massachusetts, “because it means we're going to be able to return some of our cropland to forest, and that will definitely help stabilize the climate situation around the world.”

Cows graze on a sunny day in a field near Delegate, New South Wales, Australia, on November 19, 2023.
Cows graze in a field near Delegate, New South Wales, Australia, in November 2023. (Peter Hobson/Reuters)

Climate change is primarily caused by the burning of fossil fuels, but is also exacerbated by agricultural emissions, including methane, a short-lived but potent greenhouse gas, which creates a negative feedback loop in which food production is threatened by droughts and other extreme weather events that are intensified and prolonged by climate change.

According to Our World in Data: analysis According to United Nations statistics, roughly 80 percent of the world's agricultural land is used for grazing and growing feed for livestock.

“If everyone at a population level could reduce their intake of animal-based foods, it would be much more efficient to use that land to directly grow the plants we eat,” Bradbury said.

Willett says there's an urgent need to address the climate impact of what we eat.

“This is frightening and unusual because it's not linear, it's accelerating, and we're reaching a tipping point of no return.”




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