What you need to know as gastroenteritis spikes among Australian children
As a mother, I know how alarming it can be to hear about a gastroenteritis outbreak at a nursery, school or netball team. Diarrhea and vomiting can render a healthy child unconscious for days and wreak havoc on your family for weeks.
As a paediatrician with extensive research experience in acute gastroenteritis (gastroenteritis), I also understand the impact on communities, hospitals and our most vulnerable patients.
In Past yearIn Australia, CryptosporidiumIt especially affects children.
Cryptosporidium Although it is not the only cause of gastroenteritis, the epidemic provides an opportunity to consider what can be done to manage and prevent this nasty illness.
Symptoms and Causes
Gastroenteritis is characterized by rapid onset and persistent diarrhea, vomiting, or both. Less than 14 daysThese symptoms may include abdominal pain, nausea, loss of appetite, and fever.
Hundreds of different pathogens can infect the intestine and cause gastroenteritis. Worldwide, viral pathogens (e.g., rotavirus and norovirus) are the most common. Most common causesbacterial pathogens (e.g. Salmonella or E. coli) and parasites ( Giardia and Cryptosporidium) can also cause gastroenteritis. Traveller's diarrhoea may involve pathogens such as typhoid and cholera which are not commonly seen in Australia.
Gastroenteritis usually Person to personIt is transmitted through contact with saliva, vomit, and feces, and can also be transmitted through ingestion. Contaminated water or from food (food poisoning), swimming in or contact with contaminated water (pools, dams, estuaries, water parks) With farm animals.
how is it Cryptosporidium?
Cryptosporidium A relatively common cause of gastroenteritis is CryptosporidiosisIt particularly affects young children, but the elderly and those with weakened immune systems are also susceptible to infection.
Cryptosporidium spread Spores called oocysts It is excreted in the feces of humans and animals.
Infection is acquired mainly by ingesting the following: Contaminated water or contact with contaminated water, including swimming pools.
Once the parasite escapes the intestine, it can survive in chlorinated swimming pools and hot springs. a few daysFor this reason, infections often spread during the spring and summer when children are more likely to swim.
Australia experienced an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis this summer. Pool closure and general warning New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.
Infection can also spread from person to person.
Cryptosporidium Cause Symptoms Symptoms are typical of gastroenteritis, especially watery diarrhea and abdominal pain. Fever and vomiting are less common. Symptoms usually begin a few days after infection but may come and go over several weeks.
Children can be infectious for up to two weeks. Weakened immune system Carry or carry Cryptosporidium (and therefore infect others) for a longer period of time.
Upward trend
From the data National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System An increasing trend in cryptosporidiosis cases has been identified across Australia this year, with around 11,860 cases recorded so far in 2024, compared to 3,716 cases in all of 2023.
from February to Maythe number of cases was more than 10 times the five-year average for that period. The number of cases was particularly high. Queensland.
The cause of this cryptosporidiosis outbreak is unknown, but May be related Changing weather patterns and Abnormal weatherPerhaps it reflects climate change.
Prices may be higher in Queensland because of the state's warmer climate, meaning more children swim all year round.
What to do if your child gets sick
The mainstay of home management of gastroenteritis, including cryptosporidiosis, is prevention and treatment of dehydration, which is most effectively achieved by providing frequent drinking of commercially available drinking water. Oral rehydration solutions It is prescribed to increase the intestinal absorption of fluid and electrolytes and to replace fluids lost through diarrhea and vomiting.
If your child's symptoms are severe or ongoing and you are concerned, contact their doctor as they may need to be admitted to hospital.
Children with diarrhoea or vomiting should be kept away from other children and potentially infectious adults and should not go to daycare, kindergarten or school until 24 hours after their symptoms have subsided. Parents, caregivers and teachers are also at risk of infection and should be isolated if they have symptoms.
If your child has cryptosporidiosis: Swim in a public pool Keep your baby on bed rest for at least two weeks after the diarrhea has stopped. Similarly, avoid sharing towels, sheets or eating utensils during this period.
Simple measures can have a big impact
In general, preventing gastroenteritis requires a similar approach regardless of the pathogen. These include:
Do not drink untreated water pumped from tanks, boreholes or wells.
Do not eat or drink unpasteurized milk or dairy products
Wash fruits and vegetables before eating them raw
Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, especially after changing diapers, using the toilet, after gardening, before preparing food or drinks, and after contact with animals.
to follow Local advice After that time, you should avoid swimming at beaches and other waterways. Heavy rain or floodingThis is because runoff and sewage overflows can cause contamination.
Make sure your child is vaccinated Rotavirus.
Gastroenteritis is a global problem
in spite of Progress Diagnosis (improved identification of enteric pathogens), prevention (especially Rotavirus vaccination) and treatment (particularly the use of oral rehydration therapy), gastroenteritis remains a leading cause of illness and death among young children, especially in developing countries.
According to the World Health Organization, each year, 1.7 billion Incidence of diarrheal diseases in children worldwide.
Extreme caution should be taken when traveling to low- or middle-income countries, especially where food and water safety may be poor. Consult your doctor about appropriate vaccinations for your particular destination. cholera or typhoid.
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