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In the UK, only 53% of people likely to be vaccinated with coronavirus have found a recent study-India News


In one of the worst-struck countries in the Covid-19 pandemic, Britain, many young people are likely to evade coronavirus vaccines, according to a new study. According to the survey, 22% of people under the age of 34 said they may or may not be vaccinated, whereas 11% of people 55 to 75 wanted to avoid vaccination. I am.

The authors of a study conducted by King’s College London (KCL) warned that “conspiracy theory and distrust of government, authorities, and science” could prevent overcoming the Covid-19 infection.

Explaining the findings are “deeply concerned”, the authors show that only about 50% of British people are involved in the launch of the coronavirus vaccine and when it is launched. It was

People who avoid wearing masks, people who don’t believe in scientists, and who say “too much fuss about the Covid-19 epidemic,” refuse vaccination, according to a new study It turned out to be the most likely.

“The vaccine is one of our greatest achievements and there is great belief that we will eventually develop an effective vaccine for Covid-19. But how important it is to end this crisis. We need to be more confident about that.” Professor Bobby Duffy, director of KCL’s Policy Research Institute, said about the results of the new study.

“The misunderstanding about vaccines is one of our most direct and damaging beliefs, and it has obviously impacted people’s intentions during the coronavirus crisis,” said Professor Duffy.

Nearly 200 countries around the world have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, and scientists are trying to deliver “collective immunity” that is believed to bring the country back to normal conditions. We believe that at least 70% of the population needs to be vaccinated.

Researchers and scientists working desperately to find infectious disease vaccines hope hope that an effective vaccine will be available next year after a clinical trial at Oxford University has generated an immune response in volunteers. Although expressed, it is still unknown how long it lasts in the body.

Gideon Skinner, research director at poll Ipsos Mori, said a slightly larger number of British people are preparing to receive the Covid-19 vaccine than against seasonal flu, but the results are “I’m still worried,” he said.

According to the World Health Organization, a total of 26 vaccine candidates have been developed. This is because the process, which normally takes up to 15 years, has been narrowed down in the months.

However, only 53% of the UK’s population in the KCL study say that vaccines against the virus are “certainly or very likely.” About 1 in 6 (16%) refused or are likely to do so, 11% did not know, and the remaining 20% ​​said they were very likely to be vaccinated with a coronavirus vaccine. I will.

The findings came shortly after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson described and attacked anti-vaccination conspiracy theorists as “nuts.”

Some groups suspicious about vaccination believe that the government wants to wear masks to control its population (34%), suspicion of scientific experts (33%), And “always not following the rules” group (24%).

Only 4% of pessimists say the vaccine will never arrive, but only 44% believe it will be available within a year.


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