Mpox is back: what you need to know and do
Have you heard of mpox and are you wondering why it's in the news again?
Many of us first learned about MPOX (formerly known as monkeypox) in 2022 during the largest outbreak to date, which has affected nearly 100,000 people in over 100 countries. MPOX is common in Central and West Africa, but the 2022 outbreak spread rapidly from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to areas where it had never been detected before. In the United States alone, 32,000 people infected, 58 deaths.
Now, a new outbreak of MPOX has made it back into the news. What should you know and what should you do about this latest international health emergency? What are the risks? Is a vaccine available? If you are infected with MPOX, how can you prevent it from spreading?
What will be different about the MPOX epidemic in 2024?
This time, New strains of the virus (called clade 1b) is spreading so rapidly that the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a second MPOX global health emergency in August 2024.
already, 15,600 people infected, 500 deaths Most reported cases have been in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but MPOX has also been identified in previously unaffected countries, including Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. Sweden and Thailand Public health officials are preparing for further international spread, including to Asia, Europe and the United States.
6 things you should know about mpox
What is MPOX and how does it spread?
Mpox is a viral infection caused by the same family of viruses as smallpox. It is common in certain animals, such as squirrels and rats, in Central and West Africa. Humans can become infected through contact with infected animals. Mpox can be transmitted from person to person through close physical contact, including sexual contact.
What are the symptoms of MPOX?
Causes of Mpox Flu-like symptoms, fever, headache, swollen lymph nodesThen, a distinctive rash appears. The rash usually appears a few days after onset as small flat spots. Over a week or two, the spots turn into tiny fluid-filled bumps (vesicles) similar to chickenpox, and then larger pus-filled blisters. Over another week or two, the blisters crust over and heal, and are no longer contagious.
The disease is usually mild, but some people experience complications, including pneumonia, eye infections that can cause loss of vision, and sepsis, a life-threatening infection.
What is the risk of contracting MPOX?
Location and activity affect the risk of developing MPOX.
The risk is
- Close physical contact with infected animals or people
- Touching bedding, clothing, or other objects or surfaces that have been touched by an infected person
- Living in or visiting an area where the mpox virus is endemic. Endemic means that it is present in the environment, such as in soil or infected animals or people.
- Men who have sex with men
- Having many sexual partners.
Risk factors for developing more severe illness and complications such as pneumonia if infected with MPOX include:
- pregnancy
- At a young age (especially Children under 1 year old)
- Your immune system is weakened
- You have eczema (due to a weakening of the skin's protective barrier).
Why is the emergence of new MPOX so worrying?
The new MPOX outbreak is of particular concern because the virus strain is more deadly than in 2022. The virus is spreading more rapidly and reaching places where MPOX has not been found before.
Furthermore, the new spread of infection Children and young people disproportionately affected In resource-poor countries, many people are already suffering from malnutrition and infectious diseases such as cholera.
It is worth noting that the 2022 MPOX strain (clade 1) is still circulating at low levels in the U.S., currently with fewer than 15 cases diagnosed per week and is treatable.
Is there an MPOX vaccine or treatment?
There is Two vaccines available To prevent MPOX in the United States:
- Jynneos is approved for the prevention of measles and smallpox. It must be given in two doses, four weeks apart.
- A vaccine called ACAM2000 has been approved to prevent smallpox and is thought to be effective against it, and could be available if needed, but it is a second choice due to possible side effects.
Resource-poor countries in Africa and Asia have limited access to vaccines, and even in resource-rich countries like Europe and the United States, vaccine hesitancy is hindering efforts to contain the spread of the virus. A studyOnly half of Illinois' vulnerable population has received the first dose of the MPOX vaccine, and only a quarter have received the recommended two doses.
An antiviral drug called tecovirimat has been approved for use in treating smallpox. Animal studies suggest that it may also be effective in treating smallpox. This drug is currently being studied as a treatment for smallpox. May be available through research participationIn a 2024 study, Tecobilimat The length of time was not shortened Adults and children infected with clade 1 mpox were symptomatic, but the mortality rate (1.7%) was half that expected, although it is unclear whether the low mortality rate was actually due to drug treatment.
How can people who are infected with MPOX avoid spreading the infection?
If you are diagnosed with mpox, Take these precautions to prevent infecting others:
- Avoid close contact with others until the skin lesions have healed.
- Wear a tight-fitting medical mask when you are around other people, and visitors should also wear masks.
- Stay at least a few feet away from other people.
- Please use the bedroom and bathroom separately.
- Clean all surfaces that you touch.
- Do not share dishes, towels, bedding, etc. with others.
- Increase indoor ventilation by opening windows or using high-efficiency particulate air purifiers (HEPA).
Some experts say Avoid contact with pets and other animals This is because they could become infected and spread disease to new animal species in new locations.
Will mpox become the next pandemic? UnlikelyThe virus that causes MOX spreads primarily through direct contact, unlike the virus that causes COVID-19, which spreads through tiny respiratory droplets that are easily inhaled. And people with MOX who are contagious usually have obvious symptoms so they can take steps to prevent the spread of the infection.
Currently, the risk posed by MPOX appears to be very low for most people in the United States. To keep the risk low and to assist countries where MPOX is widespread, U.S. public health officials are working with counterparts in other countries to contain the outbreak. Success will require a strong, well-coordinated international effort, including financial support for resource-poor countries to fund education programs, vaccinations, testing, and treatment.
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