54-year-old father battles three deadly mosquito-borne viruses in ICU: 'Terrifying'
A 54-year-old father living in New Hampshire is battling life-threatening infections in the hospital after being infected with three mosquito-borne viruses: Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), West Nile virus, and St. Louis encephalitis.
Joe Casey, of Kensington, New Hampshire, has been hospitalized for weeks with a serious illness that affects his brain and nervous system, and doctors are trying to identify the virus that is causing his debilitating symptoms.
“Joe first became ill on August 8, 2024. He was rushed to the emergency room at a hospital in Exeter, New Hampshire, with confusion and fever,” Casey's sister-in-law, Angela Barker, told in an email.
The father-of-four's condition worsened in hospital and he was quickly rushed to intensive care, unable to move or speak. “He was on a ventilator in the ICU for over three weeks and then had a tracheotomy,” Barker said. An MRI showed Casey's brain was swollen from encephalitis and had fluid on it, Barker added.
Encephalitis is a serious, potentially fatal disease in which inflammation causes swelling of the brain and can be a complication of all three of the mosquito-borne viruses that infected Casey.
“Anyone who knows Joe knows he is a very strong man, so to see a loved one not be able to breathe, speak or move on their own for more than three weeks is incredibly heartbreaking and terrifying – and all because of a tiny mosquito,” Barker said.
The test revealed that Casey EEEE, West Nile virus St. Louis Encephalitis is also suspected, but doctors are still not sure which virus is causing his symptoms. “As of now, we have not yet heard from the state lab or the CDC as to what virus is causing his illness, but as a hospital, the tentative diagnosis is EEE,” Barker said.
All three of these viruses are transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. Most people infected with these viruses do not become sick. Those who do may experience flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, fatigue, and joint pain.
Some people develop a severe neuroinvasive disease that causes inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) or inflammation of the tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord (meningitis). In rare cases, West Nile virus or St. Louis encephalitis can be fatal. Mortality from EEE is high, with approximately 30% of people with EEE dying.
Even people who recover from the severe neuroinvasive illnesses caused by these viruses may be left with long-term mental or physical disabilities.
Barker said Casey's condition has improved over the past week, but he remains hospitalized and has a long road to recovery ahead of him. “He's currently in the Progressive Care Unit and his tracheotomy was removed (on September 2nd) so we're hopeful he'll be going to a long-term inpatient rehabilitation centre sometime this week,” Barker said.
Now, Casey “can speak a little, follow some commands, grasp a tennis ball and blow and scratch her own nose – things she couldn't do a week ago,” Barker added.
Once an active father of four, he now spends most of his day in a chair in the PCU, receiving daily physical, occupational and speech therapy. “That seems to be helping him recover,” Barker said.
News of Casey's illness broke after 41-year-old Steven Perry of Hampstead, New Hampshire Died of EEE infection He has a severe central nervous system disorder, previously reported.
Mosquito-borne virus activity has increased in the United States in recent weeks. At least 377 cases of West Nile virus infection have been reported this year in 38 states, including 255 cases of neuroinvasive disease. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
EEE is also widespread, especially in the Northeast. As of 2024, at least six cases of EEE have been confirmed in five states: New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Wisconsin. All six EEE cases have had the more severe neuroinvasive form of the disease. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
“We suspect Joe may have been bitten by a mosquito in New Hampshire, as he hasn't been outside there in months. He's very active – he plays softball, he works from home and his job is primarily outdoors,” Barker explained.
The EEE virus was detected in a mosquito and a horse in Kensington, New Hampshire. New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.
“Regardless of the diagnosis, the treatment is the same: wait and see,” Barker says. There are no specific treatments or vaccines for West Nile virus, Triple E, or St. Louis encephalitis. Treatment for severe cases generally involves supportive care to manage symptoms and complications.
Casey's family hopes the swelling in his brain will subside and he will make a full recovery.
“It's amazing to watch my son get better every day, but it can also be difficult at times. My sister Kim is in hospital with him from 10am to 8pm every day and close family visit throughout the day,” Barker said.
Casey and his wife Kim have been married for 23 years and have four children: Jake, Lily, Max and Ben. “Family is everything to Joe,” Barker says.
As Casey recovers, his family wants to remind people of the dangers of mosquito-borne viruses and the importance of prevention. Insect bites.
“This debilitating disease is caused by mosquitoes and can happen to anyone at any time – it's never predictable,” Barker said.
“We want to raise awareness for people to stop and be cautious when outdoors and take precautions to stay safe and healthy, such as wearing long sleeves, long trousers, putting bug nets on strollers and using bug spray.”
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