Animal virus outbreak: 100 dangerous viruses found in Chinese fur animals, around 40 of which can affect humans

The study, published in the journal Nature, was conducted between 2021 and 2024 and focused on 461 animals that died from the disease. Most of these animals, including mink, foxes, raccoon dogs, rabbits and muskrats, came from fur farms, and some were kept for food or traditional medicine. The study also included about 50 wild animals. The viruses detected included 13 new viruses in addition to known pathogens such as Hepatitis E and Japanese encephalitis, highlighting fur farms as potential epicenters of viral transmission.
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Calling for the closure of the fur farming industry
Edward Holmes, a virologist who actively studies the spread of viruses in animals, expressed concern that the fur farming industry could facilitate the transmission of the virus. “Personally, I think that all fur farming industries around the world should be shut down,” Holmes said. He has been a strong advocate of increased surveillance and measures to prevent further spread of the virus.
One of the viruses identified in the study is a “bat HKU5-like virus” that has previously been found in bats but was now detected in the lungs of two farmed mink. The virus is closely related to the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS), which can be deadly to humans. “Finding it transmitted from bats to farmed mink should be a wake-up call – we need to monitor this virus,” Holmes warned.
Fur farms become epicenters of virus infection
The findings highlight the possibility that fur farms may act as a pathway for the transmission of viruses between animals and humans. The researchers found evidence of several strains of avian influenza in animals including guinea pigs, minks and muskrats. The team also identified seven strains of coronavirus No viruses closely related to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, have been found in these more: NASA Starliner returns without astronaut Sunita WilliamsRaccoon dogs and minks were found to harbor the most potentially dangerous viruses, making them a key species of concern. The study found that these species are at particular risk of crossing the species barrier and harboring viruses that could lead to infections in humans. “Intensive breeding environments in livestock could act as a bridge for virus spillover,” the researchers said.
The global fur trade is a multi-billion dollar industry, with China being the largest, accounting for over 80% of global fur production. In 2021, China produced fur from an estimated 27 million animals, most of which was processed into luxury clothing. Shandong province in northeastern China, where many fur farms are located, has been identified as a particularly high-risk virus concentration area.
Wildlife trade and the origins of viruses
The findings draw attention to the broader issue of viral infections linked to the wildlife trade. Many scientists believe that the new coronavirus Pandemic The new coronavirus originated from the wildlife trade, and bats are likely the source of the virus. Holmes shared her thoughts on this connection, saying, “I strongly believe that the wildlife trade is the source of the emergence of SARS-CoV-2.” She further suggested that the fur farming industry, which is closely linked to the wildlife trade, could easily produce another pandemic virus.
The exact origins of COVID-19 are still under investigation, but some of the earliest cases have been linked to a wet market in Wuhan where live animals, including raccoon dogs, were sold. These animals have also been implicated in previous outbreaks. Furry Animals For example, foxes, civets and minks have been identified as potential hosts for viruses like the original SARS coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2. This study suggests that interactions between humans, farmed and wild animals on fur farms may increase the likelihood of cross-species viral transmission.
Surveillance and global response
The researchers stressed the need for increased surveillance of fur farms, with a focus on species such as mink, raccoon dog and guinea pig, which were found to carry the majority of “high-risk” viruses. The authors of the study, led by Shuo Xu of Shanghai's Fudan University, stressed the importance of closely monitoring these animals to prevent zoonotic transmission, where the virus jumps from animals to humans.
Although these risks are recognized globally, responses to fur farming have been mixed. Denmark, for example, culled all of its domestic mink population in 2020 due to concerns about COVID-19 infection, but the country has since re-authorized mink farming. In contrast, China continues to dominate the global fur market and shows little sign of introducing stricter regulations.
The researchers also identified examples of interspecies transmission on fur farms, including a novel canine respiratory coronavirus found in raccoon dogs and a bat coronavirus infecting mink. These findings further demonstrate the role of fur farms as potential epicenters for viruses that could spill over into human populations.
Global action urgently needed
As fur farms continue to thrive, especially in Asia, scientists are calling for increased regulations and improved surveillance systems to prevent future pandemics. The study authors recommend increased monitoring of viral activity, especially in fur farm animals found to carry high-risk viruses. Holmes and other experts believe that fur farms could become the source of the next global epidemic if aggressive measures are not taken.
“The associated fur farming industry could lead to the emergence of new pandemic viruses,” Holmes said, reiterating the need for urgent action. With a looming global public health threat, the researchers urge governments to take these warnings seriously and implement policies to mitigate the risks associated with fur farming.
(Photo provided by AFP)
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