Flavonoid-rich foods may lower dementia risk


- Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants found in plant-based foods that provide a variety of health benefits.
- Recent studies suggest that consuming more foods rich in flavonoids may significantly reduce the risk of dementia, especially in people at high risk.
- Berries, tea, and red wine were observed to have the most benefits, but it is recommended that berries and tea be prioritized over alcohol for brain health.
The world's population is ageing, dementia From 50 million people
There is currently no cure for dementia, so prevention is key.
Flavonoids It is a bioactive compound found in plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables that has numerous health benefits, including reducing and improving inflammation.
A new observational study of nearly 122,000 adults suggests that a diet rich in flavonoids may significantly reduce the risk of dementia, especially for people with a genetic predisposition or risk factors such as high blood pressure or depression.
This study supports existing research that shows flavonoids have the following benefits:
The study, led by researchers at Queen's University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, looked at the relationship between diet and dementia using data from adults aged 40 to 70 years old from the 1990s and 2000s. UK Biobank.
The study included participants with valid data who completed at least two 24-h dietary assessments of realistic energy intake and other required information. Those diagnosed with dementia or who withdrew their consent were not included in the study.
Of the final adult sample of 121,986 individuals, 55.6% were women and the mean age was 56 years.
Researchers assessed participants' adherence to a “Flavor Diet Score” and their intake of specific flavonoids by summing up their daily intake of foods rich in the following key flavonoids:
The primary focus was the incidence of dementia from all causes, which the researchers determined using hospital and death records.
Over a mean follow-up of 9.2 years, 882 cases of dementia were reported.
People who consumed the most flavonoid-rich foods were more physically active, had a lower BMI, and experienced less financial hardship than those who consumed the least.
The researchers observed that participants with the highest flavonoid intake, consuming an average of six more servings of flavonoid-rich foods per day, were 28% less likely to develop dementia than those with the lowest intake.
Further analysis showed that the association was particularly pronounced in people with high genetic risk, high blood pressure, and depression, with risk reductions of 43%, 30%, and 48%, respectively.
In terms of specific foods, consuming at least two of the following foods each day – five cups of tea, one glass of red wine, and half a serving of berries – offered the greatest protective effect, reducing dementia risk by 38% compared to people who did not consume these amounts.
Indeed, when tea, red wine and berries were removed from the Flavodiet Score, the protective effect diminished, suggesting that these may be the primary contributors to reduced dementia risk.
Higher intakes of certain flavonoid subclasses (anthocyanins, flavan-3-ols, flavonols, and flavones) have also been associated with a lower risk of dementia.
Eliza Whitaker, MS, RDN“These foods are great for people who want to eat healthy, but they don't want to eat too much,” said Dr. Gregory B. Schneider, a registered dietitian and medical nutrition adviser at Dietitian Insights, who was not involved in the study. Today's Medical News Although the study had a large sample size and was “well representative of the population studied,” the study still has some notable limitations.
The use of self-reported dietary data is subject to bias, and the UK Biobank participants are a relatively healthy population with the number of people not consuming flavonoids being small, so “it is difficult to generalise the results to other populations”, she said.
Furthermore, reverse causation may also be occurring, with participants who developed dementia having changed their dietary preferences before the onset of symptoms.
MNT We spoke again Thomas M. Holland, MD, MScPhysician-scientist and assistant professor at the Rush Institute for Health and Aging in the School of Health Sciences at Rush University, who was not involved in the study, said the following about the findings:
“From a practical perspective, the results are encouraging, especially for people who are at high genetic risk of dementia or have modifiable risk factors such as high blood pressure or depression,” he said.
However, he noted that while tea and berries have consistently been shown to support brain health, the effects of red wine remain controversial.
Dr Holland said this raised concerns about the role of alcohol in dementia prevention and highlighted challenges in observational studies, such as how alcohol intake is classified and the potential for bias.
“This study does not completely separate the effects of alcohol from those of the flavonoids in wine,” he stressed.
However, Holland says that the tannins and flavonoids in wine, such as anthocyanins, The observed effects are likely due to alcohol consumption rather than the alcohol itself.
“As the study itself acknowledges, further research is needed to clarify the relationship between moderate alcohol consumption and dementia risk,” he said.
His final advice was to focus on consuming teas, berries and other nutritious plant-based foods to prevent dementia.
“While this study highlights the positive effects of tea, berries and wine, it's important to be clear that we are not encouraging non-drinkers to drink wine as we move away from alcohol recommendations. Tea is made from leaves and may be nutritious, but eating whole leafy vegetables offers even greater benefits. Berries such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, and dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach and arugula are also good sources of flavonols.”
In addition to consuming foods high in flavonoids to reduce the risk of dementia, among other health foods Lifestyle changesHolland and Whitaker recommend adopting the following eating pattern: Mind Diet.
During the course of the research, one of the authors American Highbush Blueberry Association (USHBC) is a produce commission overseen by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
MNT We have contacted the USHBC for comment on this conflict of interest report.
In response, Leslie Wada, PhD, RD“These are some of the most common health problems in the United States,” said USHBC's senior director of nutrition and health research. MNT “For USHBC-supported research, we are not involved in the collection, analysis, or interpretation of data, and we do not impose any restrictions on the release of data.”
However, she clarified that “the USHBC did not fund this study.”
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