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Michigan communities witness deer deaths due to EHD

Michigan communities witness deer deaths due to EHD
Michigan communities witness deer deaths due to EHD


The Michigan DNR said at least 2,000 deer deaths due to EHD have been reported since the disease's initial arrival, although it occurs every year.

Van Buren County, Michigan — Since late July, Michigan Department of Natural Resources I've been tracking Animal epidemic hemorrhagic diseases (EHD) Infects white-tailed deer through midge fly bites.

Deer have been confirmed in 11 counties this year, and the DNR said at least 2,000 deer deaths have been reported so far.

Although this outbreak has not reached the scale of the 2012 outbreak, The DNR said this year has had a bigger impact on the deer population than in past years.

Elizabeth Clark of Gobles, Van Buren County, recently found several dead deer on her property, but she wasn't the only one. Many others have taken to social media to share their discoveries of dead deer in their areas.

“We were walking around the property and noticed the smell of death everywhere. It was just a rotting smell,” Clark said. “There were at least four bodies floating in the pond, which I thought was really strange.”

Clark calls his area “Deer Alley” because of the large number of deer he sees on a regular basis. She said their area has been unusually quiet lately.

“There's no deer,” she said. “Yesterday, some friends and I went out and we spent about four hours driving all the back roads and didn't see anything. It's their livelihood, and that's how they survive the winter. I'm worried that the deer population in this area is declining dramatically.”

Chad Fedewa, DNR's acting deer specialist, said the virus is prevalent every year, but it appears to have started earlier this year.

“We see them almost every year, but they usually don't appear until early to mid-September. So when there's enough frost, the flies die, and at that point the transmission stops,” Fedewa said. “This year, as reports started coming in in late July, the virus took many more weeks to spread, resulting in a much higher death rate across the country.”

Fedewa said deer mortality tends to be very localized, with areas typically seeing both high deer mortality and areas with little impact.

“In some areas, local deer populations will be severely affected,” Fedewa said. “Deer numbers in these areas will be significantly lower this fall, especially if you're a hunter.”

Fedewa said deer populations tend to recover within a few years after an outbreak.

He also mentioned some concerns people may have when finding a dead EHD deer on their property.

“This virus appears to only affect white-tailed deer. There are no health or safety concerns for humans. There are no concerns for pets or livestock,” Fedewa said. “This virus cannot be spread through infected carcasses. Therefore, the virus cannot be transmitted to cleaners who may eat the carcasses. There is no risk of environmental contamination with this virus.”

Fedewa also said that although some deer survive EHD, there is no risk to human health and hunters can continue hunting as usual.

While both Fedewa and Clark explained that EHD needs to be dealt with in its natural course, they said it is still devastating to see the population affected.

“For people in my situation, deer are our brothers. They are sacred to us. And you know, just seeing this devastation breaks my heart deep inside,” Clark said. said.

The DNR strongly encourages you to report sudden deer deaths to state authorities. eyes in the field report form. DNR said this information will help them better understand the amount of deer affected and plan future strategies.




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