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What are the latest steps in AI? University of Florida researchers say they're fighting breast cancer.

What are the latest steps in AI? University of Florida researchers say they're fighting breast cancer.


ChatGPT can help you draft your college essay, plan a tropical vacation, or generate images of squirrels eating ice cream in space. Now, it could be a lifeline for people like Pamela Barnett.

Twenty-three years ago, when Barnett, 63, was diagnosed with breast cancer, artificial intelligence was just a blip. It has not yet helped doctors detect tumors and prescribe tailored treatments.

She said it was a long and arduous process of undergoing tests, chemotherapy and radiation treatments. At times, Barnett lost faith that he would recover.

“I was numb. I shut down,” she said. “My family couldn't stand me being sick, so I pretended everything was okay.”

In the early 1980s, only those in white coats could plan Barnett's cancer treatment. Now, researchers at the University of Florida are relying on chatbots and data algorithms to do some of the heavy lifting.

At the University of Florida's Intelligent Clinical Care Center, machine learning and artificial intelligence are making diagnosis more efficient and allowing patients to receive chemotherapy and radiation treatments sooner than ever before.

Pinkay Sardar, the center's deputy director for imaging, predicts that AI will one day devise treatments for cancer, but said the technology will not override the role of medical professionals.

“AI can only be used as a means to assist doctors,” he said.

Radiologists can identify diseases using computer algorithms trained on patterns in health data. 20% Accuracy is improved and detection workload is reduced by almost half.

Dejana Braithwaite, associate director of cancer population sciences at the University of Florida, said AI will make cancer diagnosis more efficient by automating screening and data processing tasks.

“Rather than having humans read mammograms or other images, we use AI to speed up a process that has historically been labor-intensive and time-intensive,” she said.

Braithwaite typically works with breast cancer patients in their 40s and 50s, using artificial intelligence to analyze their mammograms and adjust tumor reduction protocols accordingly. She advises young women to: highly likely Breast cancer is more likely to develop than previously thought, so we advise women to practice healthy preventative care habits and avoid regular mammograms if they are under 40.

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In addition to the risks of radiation exposure in mammography, the use of AI in breast cancer research is rife with ethical concerns. Jennifer Feaver, a surgical oncologist at the University of Florida Health Breast Center, said health data obtained during mammography is encrypted to protect sensitive records.

It added that doctors must ask patients for consent when using the technology to analyze health data.

“The focus now is on personalizing care, improving diagnostic accuracy, and ensuring we screen the right patients,” Feaver said. “That’s the goal of AI: one, to optimize who gets tested and when, and two, to optimize the actual testing so we can detect more things.”

At Feaver's imaging clinic, radiologists use AI to find overlooked cancer warning signs. The technology allows doctors to focus on areas that may be at high risk for breast cancer, so they can recommend a biopsy, she said.

It also helps doctors tailor treatment to patients by considering multifaceted risk factors such as age, BMI, and family history.

“The risk calculators we have today are good, but they're not perfect,” Feaver said.

She said that with the help of cutting-edge medical technology, doctors will ideally be able to funnel data from health records into large-scale language models and spit out recommendations for medical interventions.

However, this technology is still in its infancy. Matthew Disney, chair of the University of Florida's chemistry department, said AI holds promise in precision medicine, but it's unlikely to put breast cancer in the rearview mirror.

“A misunderstanding is [AI’s] It’s going to be a panacea or panacea for everything,” Disney said. “It might help with some things, but you need to understand what it is.”

Contact Natalie Kaufman. [email protected]. X Follow her at @Nat_Kauf.

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Natalie Kaufman

Natalie Kaufman is a second-year journalism student and Alligator's Fall 2024 Subway General Assignment reporter. In my free time, I like to drink lots of caffeine and run.




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