Busting the myths about breast cancer – what every woman needs to know
breast cancer It remains a health problem for women around the world, and myths and misconceptions are still widespread, causing unnecessary anxiety and discouraging women around the world from seeking prompt treatment. Considering it's October, breast cancer awareness This month is an opportunity to debunk myths and spread important information that every woman should know.
Myth 1: Just because my family has a history of breast cancer, it means I will get it too.
Fact: Having a family background of breast cancer may increase your chances of developing breast cancer, but it does not guarantee that you will develop breast cancer. While a small proportion (5% to 10%) of breast cancers are genetically inherited, the majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of breast cancer. Nevertheless, if you have a family history of breast cancer, it is very important to get screened.
Myth 2: One common misconception is that breast cancer only affects women.
Fact: Although breast cancer primarily affects women, it is a common fact that men can also be affected. In fact, only 1% of all breast cancer cases are detected in men. Men have better breast tissue and it is important to seek advice if you observe any unusual changes such as a lump or discharge from the nipples.
Myth 3: Mammography can cause breast cancer to spread.
Fact: There is no proven link between breast x-rays (mammograms) and cancer spread. Although no test is perfect for detecting all cancers, mammography is one of the best tools for finding breast cancer early, before it can cause serious harm. BMJ Open researchers say the discomfort is temporary and should not deter women from getting tested.
Myth 4: Breast cancer is not something people like me need to worry about because I live a healthy lifestyle.
Fact: Living a healthy lifestyle, such as exercising, eating well, and drinking in moderation can lower your risk of breast cancer, but doing these things consistently doesn't guarantee you won't get sick. Even with this limitation, the likelihood of developing breast cancer is very high and may be due to genetic or other ununderstandable factors.
Myth 5: If you have breast cancer, you will always find a lump in your breast.
Fact: Not all breast cancers develop into lumps. Other possible symptoms include changes in the size or shape of the breasts, discharge from the nipples, and skin changes such as dimples or redness. However, it is important to keep an eye on your breasts for any changes and seek medical attention if necessary.
Myth #6: Wearing bras, especially bras with underwire, can lead to breast cancer.
Fact: There is no scientific evidence that bras or underwire bras cause breast cancer. This myth is thought to have arisen due to concerns that structured bras could impede lymphatic flow, but no studies have confirmed this. However, you may feel a little empty after the fact, having been worried for so long that your risk of breast cancer would skyrocket.
Myth 7: There is no history of breast cancer in my family, so I am not at risk for breast cancer.
Fact: Approximately 85% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of breast cancer. Breast cancer risk is primarily determined by age, genetics, and lifestyle. That's why all women need to be proactive. Breast cancer screening Even if there is no family history.
Myth 8: Biopsy leads to breast cancer metastasis.
Fact: This is a popular myth. A biopsy, in which a small piece of tissue is removed for testing, does not spread the cancer. In fact, a biopsy is an essential step in diagnosing breast cancer and developing an appropriate treatment plan.
Myth 9: It has long been established that breastfeeding completely protects against breast cancer.
Fact: Breastfeeding is vaccinated as a protective factor against breast cancer, but does not provide complete immunity. Breastfeeding does not protect women from developing breast cancer, so self-examination and screening should be done.
Now you can take some measures to protect your breast health. You must ignore such myths and undergo a screening check. You will have the facts to detect breast cancer early and act preventively to significantly reduce the prevalence of breast cancer. Also remember that if you notice any changes in your breasts, you should report them to your doctor immediately. It is very important to diagnose and treat the disease early enough to increase the patient's chances of survival.
(Author: Dr. Vidhi Shah, Consultant Breast Oncology Surgeon, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai)
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